Be True To Yourself

Not everyone is going to love you, sometimes not even the people that should.
Not everyone is going to find you beautiful, but each person has something beautiful about them.
Not everyone is going to realize your potential, and not everyone is going to push you to meet it.
Not everyone is going to see your pain or try to understand it.
This is why it is important that you love yourself, you find beauty in yourself, you find your own potential, and you push yourself to meet it.
There might be friends along the way, they may come and go, but the one person you always have for sure is yourself.
You have to live with you.
Listen to your body, understand yourself, find balance inside and out.
Once you have seen your own potential and beauty, others are more likely to see it, and if they don't, that is their loss, but don't let them take it from you.

Be True To Yourself.
