ED recovery and weight loss

Hi everyone, new here. I'm a 25 year old female, 5'6, around 155 lbs (I don't own a scale). I was bulimic for about 2 years and recovered at the end of 2012. I was not underweight (throwing up definitely does not get rid of all binge calories). When I recovered in August 2012 I started eating 'normally.' In January 2013 I found an ED recovery website that suggested eating a lot of food to heal your body, whether you are underweight or not. Needless to say after doing this for a month I reached my highest ever weight. In February 2013 I got pregnant so weight loss was out of the question. I reached 190 lbs at the end of my pregnancy and lost 30 lbs very quickly after delivery. My son is now 4 months old and I really want to feel good about my body again. Before the eating disorder I was naturally slim and ate whatever, mainly healthy foods my mom cooked. I consider myself recovered from the ED, I don't have urges to binge or purge ever. I'm just not sure where to go from here. I've started counting calories and walking with my son in a carrier. I'm just scared to relapse, and one major leftover from the bulimia is hair loss. I had waist length hair that is now shoulder length and dull, and I'm scared that if I go too low on calories my hair will never recover. Does anyone have encouraging stories? I'm confident I can lose weight but I really want my hair back as well.


  • NereyaRanVihn
    NereyaRanVihn Posts: 43 Member
    Are you sure it's the bulimia and not the pregnancy that caused the hair loss? Both can do that.
    Have you talked to a doctor about what vitamins and minerals your body might need to grow more hair? If not, please do.
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    Bulimia definitely did because I lost more and more as it progressed, but I'm sure that pregnancy didn't help at all. I had some vitamin levels checked a few weeks ago at my doctor's and everything came back normal (thyroid was normal as well). I suppose a multivitamin and biotin wouldn't hurt though.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    I consider myself recovered from an eating disorder (restricting, binging, over exercising) and have recently lost 25 pounds in a very healthy and sustainable way. I actually did really well at first but when I got closer to my goal weight I got more preoccupied with food and exercise and perfection. The things that worked for me:
    - years of therapy dealing with my eating disorder
    - limiting exercise to 30-45min every other day
    - never eating below my allotted calories
    - eating back exercise calories
    - no special diet, just regular food
    - learning portion control
    - finding a sustainable lifestyle
    - enjoying cooking and making most meals at home
    - letting go of perfection and being ok with just being me
    - knowing that I will need to continue logging so I don't gain weight
    - knowing that I will always have disordered thinking and I will need to overcome that on a regular basis, I will never be "normal" with food or body issues, and that just plain sucks, but it's better to be aware and healthy than be unhealthy and miserable

    I could go into a lot more details, send me a message or friend request if you want to connect more. I'm maintaining now, not looking to lose any more weight.
    Good luck!
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks so much animalldy, your response is very encouraging. I do need to accept that I probably won't ever be completely normal with food, and I know the signs of the ED creeping back and I do NOT want to go down that road again. I make sure to still eat things like chocolate and peanut butter so I don't feel deprived. Thank you!
  • digfromdeep
    I consider myself recovered from an eating disorder (restricting, binging, over exercising) and have recently lost 25 pounds in a very healthy and sustainable way. I actually did really well at first but when I got closer to my goal weight I got more preoccupied with food and exercise and perfection. The things that worked for me:
    - years of therapy dealing with my eating disorder
    - limiting exercise to 30-45min every other day
    - never eating below my allotted calories
    - eating back exercise calories
    - no special diet, just regular food
    - learning portion control
    - finding a sustainable lifestyle
    - enjoying cooking and making most meals at home
    - letting go of perfection and being ok with just being me
    - knowing that I will need to continue logging so I don't gain weight
    - knowing that I will always have disordered thinking and I will need to overcome that on a regular basis, I will never be "normal" with food or body issues, and that just plain sucks, but it's better to be aware and healthy than be unhealthy and miserable

    I could go into a lot more details, send me a message or friend request if you want to connect more. I'm maintaining now, not looking to lose any more weight.
    Good luck!

    Wow, that really spoke to me. Thank you.
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    i can say i do. I was anorexic and over exercised for over a year. @ 5-5 i dropped to 88 ibs.
    if you look at my profile you can see the difference.

    as of now i am going from 800 cal a day to about 2100
    lifting heavy and hard.
    and have gone from 88 to now 105.

    getting over it is a major mental thing.
    you have to ready in that aspect for it to happen.

    any questions ask away.
    but i have never been happier <3
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I am in recovery from BED and I see a therapist every other week to talk about how I'm doing mentally and my GP once a month to check on my weight loss, food plan and medical conditions (high blood pressure, etc). I've found that's the best way for me to keep my ED in check.

    I have other issues that my therapist has to help me with (PTSD, Panic Disorder) so that's why I have to go see him so often. Those disorders are what led to my BED so it's all part of the healing process.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is to view your recovery as a healing process that lets you be kind to your body, mind and spirit. It's not just about calories and exercise.
  • MemphisHellFire
    MemphisHellFire Posts: 38 Member
    hey, i know how confusing it is when you have had a distorted image in your head for so long to learn what is 'normal' or how to be healthy, i suffered with anorexia and sometimes bulimia for 6 years and its only in the past 2 years that iv been focused on recovery. i put a lot of weight on last year and got very depressed about it, i was eating so much because i had restricted for so long and it felt awful but now i have worked out a normal eating pattern which allows me to train intensely and play a fast paced contact sport...i also lost 10lb of the weight i gained last year!
    i would suggest joining a gym or playing a sport that can get you focused on being more energetic and include LOTS of veggies in your diet ( have have about 10-13 portions per day) and ditch as much packaged food as you can. think whole natural foods :) i would keep a check on calories too but remember to be sensible as its easy to get on a downward spiral. i know its a rough journey but you can do it! x
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone! Bumping for more responses.
  • First of all, (((Hugs)))...I would recommend a visit to the doctor or a nutritionist. Be honest, wow, how easy is that? I don't think so. No one wants to admit it to a doctor. I used to partake in that lifestyle, cold turkey quit. I refuse to partake anymore as God forbid I choke on some food and drop dead and someone finds me thinking, wtf is going on here? I am so much happier now and feel free and proud to say I am very controlled with intake and burning, the healthy way. Taking forever to lose weight, but it's working! I just keep the bad foods out of the house and eat what I want, when I want, whatever I want, just do portion control. My parent's think I'm crazy for doing really big burns, I shoot for 1000 plus burns when at the gym, but for me, it's healthy, I enjoy it. I am just overall happier in life that that former bad habit is in the past. I'm not sure if I provided any advice here...lol. Best of luck!
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    My doctor knows about my ED. I just want to be clear, I AM recovered. I don't need help going through recovery or anything, because I'm past that. I just want to lose the extra weight I gained in recovery the healthy way. Thank you for the support.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I'm happy I found this thread!
    I'm also at a point similar to yours, after restricting for long, I am eating and I gained about 10 lbs, but finally I am losing slowly.
    I'm re thinking my goals, but I have to say I'm at the best point I've ever been at.
    For your hair loss, I'd suggest eating tons of foods with fatty acids, Omega 3 and 6, as well as fish pills and multi vitamins like B12.
    Foods I started eating and see a difference in my skin, hair and nails:
    - fatty fish and pills like salmon
    - flax seeds
    - avocados almost daily
    - seeds like sunflower, chia (daily in my oatmeal)
    I'm thinking of re-focusing my goals, for example, I'm lifting now, so for that I need to eat right, sleep better, etc.
    It def is a lifestyle change, and mine is slow but surely it is progressing! good luck!
    I'd also say to read a lot on this, you'll find so much info!
  • trizzletrix
    trizzletrix Posts: 92 Member
    I consider myself recovered from an eating disorder (restricting, binging, over exercising) and have recently lost 25 pounds in a very healthy and sustainable way. I actually did really well at first but when I got closer to my goal weight I got more preoccupied with food and exercise and perfection. The things that worked for me:
    - years of therapy dealing with my eating disorder
    - limiting exercise to 30-45min every other day
    - never eating below my allotted calories
    - eating back exercise calories
    - no special diet, just regular food
    - learning portion control
    - finding a sustainable lifestyle
    - enjoying cooking and making most meals at home
    - letting go of perfection and being ok with just being me
    - knowing that I will need to continue logging so I don't gain weight
    - knowing that I will always have disordered thinking and I will need to overcome that on a regular basis, I will never be "normal" with food or body issues, and that just plain sucks, but it's better to be aware and healthy than be unhealthy and miserable

    I could go into a lot more details, send me a message or friend request if you want to connect more. I'm maintaining now, not looking to lose any more weight.
    Good luck!

    Wow - this spoke to me on a lot of levels too. Before 2014 I feel like I've been in the same binge/restrict/over-exercise cycle for a number of years and this is a really great set of bullet points.

    I hope it helps OP and thank you for sharing
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I consider myself recovered from an eating disorder (restricting, binging, over exercising) and have recently lost 25 pounds in a very healthy and sustainable way. I actually did really well at first but when I got closer to my goal weight I got more preoccupied with food and exercise and perfection. The things that worked for me:
    - years of therapy dealing with my eating disorder
    - limiting exercise to 30-45min every other day
    - never eating below my allotted calories
    - eating back exercise calories
    - no special diet, just regular food
    - learning portion control
    - finding a sustainable lifestyle
    - enjoying cooking and making most meals at home
    - letting go of perfection and being ok with just being me
    - knowing that I will need to continue logging so I don't gain weight
    - knowing that I will always have disordered thinking and I will need to overcome that on a regular basis, I will never be "normal" with food or body issues, and that just plain sucks, but it's better to be aware and healthy than be unhealthy and miserable

    I could go into a lot more details, send me a message or friend request if you want to connect more. I'm maintaining now, not looking to lose any more weight.
    Good luck!

    Well said...this is so true. :flowerforyou:

    I've been recovered for over 10 years, and lost over 25lbs the healthy way a couple of years ago. I'm 5'5" and about 150, trying to get back to pre-pregnancy weight (my daughter is 11 months and still breastfeeds a lot). It's a fine line to walk sometimes, especially when weight loss is slow, but I am committed to being healthy and a great role model for my kids. Anyone here can add if you'd like!
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    I'm glad I shared my story, usually I am pretty private but I'm glad I have been making friends on MFP, the support has been really appreciated during hard times! Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • CoopMaybrymommy
    I lost a ton of hair about 4 months after I had both babies. I know it happens with bulimia too...but the cause of mine was low Vitamin D. May be worth checking into! I also take Biotin to help with that! Good luck! And...congrats on the baby! :)