Hypothyroid and still able to loose weight?



  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm hypothyroid and don't have a problem. As long as you're medicated there's no reason you're different from anyone else. I'm on levothyroxin and have never had a problem or gained weight on it (I gained weight for different reasons).
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Yes I am. As long as your thyroid levels are being well controlled you shouldn't have any problems. My dad is actually my endocrinologist and says you can't blame your weight on your hypothyroidism. Have you had it checked lately? Your dosage may need to be adjusted.

    Really???? What kind of endocrinologist is he???

    Complete thyroidectomy in 2007.....medicated and check blood levels regularly........able to lose if I follow a diet and exercise. What kind of endocrinologist is he?????? Seems to be the same "type" as mine.
  • skitterbug0902
    After I had my second child I struggled to loose weight. I remember measuring everything I ate and running 15+ miles per week and after a month I had gained 15 pounds. I gave up and started eating cheeseburgers and candy bars. I have tried everything it seems like I've counted calories, Atkins, South Beach, and I even went to a Weight Loss Clinic. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months then I plateaued. After 6 months of not loosing and struggling not to gain anything back I gave up. They did a full work up on me which showed that I was burning over 1600 calories a day at rest which seemed strange to me and I was at 100% muscle density for my size so they didn't want me to lift weights or anything because I would bulk up. I stopped going and gained it all back. I was just diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and Thyroid Cancer (papillary carcinoma). I am having a full thyroidectomy in about a week. It is nice to finally know why I'm having trouble loosing weight and that I'm not crazy. I have lost quite a bit so far but have a long way to go. I have to watch my calories constantly. If I have a bad day and eat a box of cookies (my daughter is in girl scouts and they are selling cookies) then I pay for it. You just have to find what works for you and stick to it. What means more to you in the long run. I am desperate to loose the weight as I don't want to end up diabetic and I'm high risk. I watched my mom pass away from complications from 30 years of being diabetic and it was horrible and I don't want that to happen to me. Good luck on your journey and remember that you are worth it, you can do it, and you are not alone.
  • cindyrooney39
    cindyrooney39 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh how I would love not to have a thyroid problem, Hashi's diagnosed 2 years(was only looked into after having 2 miscarriages in a row), most likely for 5 years though just misdiagnosed. (blamed on stress, working to much etc.) before meds I could literally starve myself and not lose a single pound. But since having stable levels lost almost 30lbs even after having baby number 4. Still is a struggle though coupled with the hashis I also have PCOS. I do find that if I have a few days of eating any types of gluten, even a small portion my weight loss halts, I also avoid all types of soy products, I limit my dairy as well. Just wondering for the ones not taking meds how are you really feeling? for me if my levels dip even slightly I feel absolutely horrid. I cannot function. the exhaustion can be overwhelming, as well as mental confusion couple with intense muscular and nerve pain.
  • Christinelmt78
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 20 ( I will be 36 next week) I never gained weight from being underactive and I'm able to lose weight.. Please whatever you do, do not go off of your meds.. It's not safe and your thyroid controls your whole body .. Without meds, it can cause you to have major problems including heart attacks.. Always talk to your doctor.. So yes it's possible to lose weight it may be slow bit it's very possible.. Hope this helps