Focusing on scale weight too much...I think

Alright so I find myself back on MFP again but not using it to it's full capacity. I'm mostly on here because I like to comb through the message boards and see what's going on out there.

I did my fair share of logging in food and I don't think that is where my problem is. I seem to be able to maintain my weight just fine within a 5lbs give or take range by just eating intuitively. However, I'm unsure of what my goal really should be. Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to do body recomp?

So here's where I need some opinions. I was 120-ish lbs in 2012 (see first pic) with little to no exercise. I didn't really do anything for exercise. Maybe just a light jog here and there. Since summer of 2012, I really up'd my fitness routine and started logging in my daily intake. I started off with some exercise DVDs and then gradually entered the world of strength training. I was doing a lot of cardio before and have now traded cardio for long leisurely walks and more strength training. The middle pic (slightly off-centered...sorry) depicts the beginning of my food logging where I probably weighed the most. I have since learned quite a bit about food portions/portion control which you will now see in the bottom pic.

Now, between the first pic and the bottom pic, I actually weigh about 5-7lbs more but I feel like I look the same in my clothes (see pics for reference). I don't think I've put on 5-7lbs in muscle either...I'm not delusional. I mean COME ON! I am strength training but I am not partaking in serious weight lifting programs. I'm mostly doing body weight exercises. Also since I've started strength training, my body feels a bit more "dense" if that makes sense. Would that explain my clothes fitting more snug?

I apologize if this is a lame question. Just trying to get an idea of how I should proceed from here on. I would love to get down to 120-ish lbs again but scale values just make me crazy and I do NOT want to start logging in my food intake. I feel like I have my food intake and that whole area under control. And yes, I do realize I am on MFP and this site strongly promotes logging in food intake. But once again, maybe my goal should not be weight loss at this point?

Anyway, I feel like I'm talking in circles. Just ignore the banter, look at my pics and maybe you guys can just give me some advice on how to "look" trimmer overall.




Thanks in advance for the advice!!
