First time going to a gym. Routine Ideas?

I've never been to a gym before and I'm thinking of joining cause I cant get motivated to workout at home. I was thinking to start at about 3 times a week so I dont burn myself out too quickly. What do you think?? Also, how much cardio should I do and what are some of the good gym machines to use for love handles and lower stomach?? What routine should I use for a full body workout?? Or should I rotate and do upper body one time and lower body the next?? SO CONFUSED!! Dont want to pay for a personal trainer so trying to get advice from yall. Thanks!!


  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    Body has a lot of workouts there and some great information. I'm certainly no expert but I would say to do a mix of both cardio and weights. So if you go MWF you could do a 30min weight session followed by some cardio of choice.
  • tiffanyrenee041589
    Thanks. :) Has anyone used CURVES?? How were the results??
  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    No I haven't used Curves, but I hear the view is fantastic :P

    look, go to the gym. talk to a trainer and have them walk you around so you can get a good feel of is there. Start slow.(15-20 min of light- medium cardio, very light weight training). do that for a few weeks till your body gets over the shock of doing more exercise. talk to the very fit on here, most are very nice people who will help with suggestions (i.e. other poster who provided the link), also talk to the people going to the gym. take what appeals to you (and the advice from your Dr.)and modify it to fit YOU.

    as you progress you will see a change. def keep a log. best way to "tune" your workout routine for you.
    best of luck
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    I have tried curves in the past..and i hope i don't get flamed for saying this but I wouldn't recommend it for my friends/family for the most part. Now, it's been years since I did curves so things may have changed since then so i can't speak to that. I would personally suggest a gym..trainer before curves.
  • tiffanyrenee041589
    thx yall!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I started with Strong lifts 5x5 and watched some youtube videos on it before I went.
    That way I had a decent routine already planed out. . I eventually ended up working with a trainer.
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I'd also recommend picking up a class schedule, and maybe try a few classes. Personally, I get boooooored working on just machines. Classes will help you meet people and it's usually a good guided work out!

    I have also really liked using the Nike Personal Trainer app. You can put in your goals and it will give you a new routine each day you could easily follow at a gym.