Turbo jam

hi, I managed to get a copy of turbo jam, the one that has two DVDs, I really love it, but could do with knowing are there anymore like it? I live in the uk and am struggling to see if chalene did any other DVDs.


  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Chalene has done MANY DVDs. There are two others through Beachbody: ChaLEAN Extreme and the new Turbo Fire. Both are excellent programs!

    Chalene also sells TurboKick and HipHop Hustle workouts through her own website: www.powderblueproductions.com I have never done any of these particular workouts, but there are other folks here on MFP who have done TurboKick workouts and say they are also just as great as TurboJam.

    I love, love, love anything Chalene puts out - she is so energetic and motivating! Glad you found TurboJam - isn't it a blast?
  • ChanelCharlie
    I just got Turbo Fire and it is amazing!! It's like Turbo Jam on speed...lol!!
    So much fun!!!