Stomach Fat

So far I have lost 32 pounds and 3 pant sizes with the typical equation of Cardio/Strength Training + Caloric Deficit. I am very close to returning to the weight and pant size that I was happy with three years ago. I do not have a great desire to be extremely thin and would prefer to maintain a more athletic body type in the end. However, I am struggling with a sizeable amount of belly and back fat. People are beginning to make comments that I don't need to lose any more weight. Coworkers and friends seem to think I should be in the "maintenance" stage. Although I would certainly be happy weighing a solid 145lbs and wearing a Size 6, I do not want to stop until my belly fat has diminished. It is thick with cellulite and (I believe) bad for my heart health. It seems like if I lost 30 more pounds and could fit into a Size Two, of course the belly fat would have no choice but to disappear by that point...but I don't think I'd even look healthy at such a small size.

I do about thirty minutes of core work (planks, crunches, stability ball) 6 days a week. In addition, I have upped my cardio to at least 45 minutes 6 days a week, and maintained upper and lower body strength training days 4 days a week. The weight loss is continuing, but the belly fat does not seem to budge. I have lost inches from my arms/legs, even my face, but hardly anything from my middle.

Any suggestions?


  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    IM just starting this, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but maybe you might want to eat more grapefruit and foods that are considered "stomach busters". Perhaps also you might be eating stuff you think is healthy,, but has lots of corn syrup and detrose and frutcose in it. Least we forget good old sugar as well. I hear that stuff is important in eliminating the belly.

    Also keep in mind, maybe your doing the right thing and have to give it time. The belly is always the last place that fat melts off at
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I have a lot more success getting a smaller belly with Super Clean eating.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I'm not to this point yet, but my understanding is you can't spot reduce. You can, however, lower your body fat percentage. You'll get some better results at this point with lifting heavy. I'm currently reading the New Rules of Lifting For Women and it's wonderful. When I'm ready to get to the gym (that's just a mental block for me), I'll be following this book.

    There are a lot more knowledgeable folks here that can give you the details you probably want, but at this point, I think lifting is what you're looking for.

    Good luck!
  • JimTs
    JimTs Posts: 23 Member
    Firstly congratulations on the weight loss so far!
    You can't lose fat from only 1 part of your body, if you want to lose that belly you have to lose weight in general.
    But don't overdo it, women with small fat % tend to have menstrual problems.
  • cmandd
    cmandd Posts: 8
    Don't focus on the pounds, focus on the bodyfat percentage. Lift weights to build LBM.
    To really shed the belly fat, skip the "belly buster" diets and fad stuff. Straight carb cycling is what you want.
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    I know you cannot spot reduce but I did read that bananas, carrots, corn, and I t hink the last one was peas have more sugar and make it harder to lose belly fat. I used to eat a banana every day with my cereal and have switched to just one a week. I have noticed a reduction in my belly fat.

    Like you this seems to be where I store it the most.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    In for info. I dieted down to the lowest acceptable weight but the belly and overhang are still there so I don't think further dieting is the answer. I've been doing cardio, planks, crunches for about over a year and lifting for about 6 months (can't lift heavy though due to health problems) and its a bit firmer but I don't really see much difference so I could do with some advice too. There must be a way!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Lift heavy. Eat clean. Ignore the scale.

    You have to reduce body fat overall to lose the belly fat. It takes time and patience and diligence. You may be built like myself, where the very last place the fat is going to come off is in the belly and back area.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Lift heavy. Eat clean. Ignore the scale.

    You have to reduce body fat overall to lose the belly fat. It takes time and patience and diligence. You may be built like myself, where the very last place the fat is going to come off is in the belly and back area.

    What she said. Get a body fat tester. I have had alot of kids and every time I get back to my old body I notice that the lower abs are the last to show for me and to be firm as well as my love handles. At under 20% I can start seeing my upper abs. At around 18% I can see a 4 pack, 17% a 6 pack and at 16% body fat usually I get my 8 pk. Lifting is very important as well but as most say your abs are won in your diet. You can’t see them if you have fat covering them.
  • jables85
    jables85 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for the replies. Great support. Guess I have to sit down and evaluate some necessary changes. Lifting heavier seems like a viable option. Only down to 24% body I've got a ways to go, I suppose. Diet is pretty clean right now, but it could always be cleaner (no beer on the weekend?! D'oh!).

    I have been hearing a bit about this "Lifting for Women"...worth a read, for sure. Thank you all!

    High hopes for each of you as well!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    IM just starting this, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but maybe you might want to eat more grapefruit and foods that are considered "stomach busters".

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    To the OP, more strength training!
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Great info. Belly fat is pretty discouraging for me too, mainly because I've always had some lower belly fat (below my belly button) but never above and that's where mine seems to sit now. It has gone down about 4 inches but it's sure slow to move. Did I mention I have NEVER had fat here before?! It sucks. :sad: