Back on TRACK & Looking for committed FRIENDS!

ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
:smile: Hi my name is Ash :-)


My quick little story is that in January 2011 I decided to make a lifestyle change and wanted to lose 10kg! I reached my goal in a matter of a couple of months but still wasn't happy and decided I wanted to develop more muscle definition (tone) and become healthier and fitter!

Since the beginning, I have currently lost 15kg in total and lost body fat percentage and gained muscle mass. I got to a point where I was very healthy and happy with my body and in Dec last year I decided to stop calorie counting and to maintain my healthy regime etc. It was working great!

Recently I broke up with my long term (9 year) relationship and have had my whole life turned upside down! Although I have continued with my exercise and training and eating a relatively healthy diet, I have had multiple slip ups and have decided I need to take back control over one of the only things I can control in my life right now! So I have decided to come back to calorie counting and get serious about my healthy eating regime again!

I am really looking for regular MFP loggers who are active and supportive people to add to my MFP group (originally I only had people I knew on my page with open diaries but I am currently just looking for people who will be supportive and encouraging, as well as makes me take more responsibility for my eating choices. :) If you are one of these people, I would love to have you on my page & I will be just as supportive in return :smile: :smile:

This was me a couple of months ago when I was feeling my best! I want to get back here again & i know along with my exercise regime, it all comes down to diet "ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN!"



  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    bump bump
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Add me.....I log every day and I make comments on diaries from time to time. Accountability is key even when we don't like to hear it.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    You're exactly right @trailnurse - I have added you! Thank you so much!
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Ash,

    I am relatively new but post and motivate every day and built a strong group of friends already by doing so.

    Add me and i'll kick your butt if i have to! :)
  • aurelias27
    aurelias27 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ash, my name's Josey. I've been on MFP for a while, but I'm also looking to get back on track. I lost 10lbs a couple of years ago on Weight Watchers, and have maintained that healthier weight. I'm fairly slim because I run and go to the gym regularly, but my diet isn't always healthy when I get busy with work. I know what you mean by slip-ups! I'm trying to lose another 10 lbs by reducing sugary foods (which I think is a good permanent lifestyle change anyway). I am back to logging every day. You seem really nice. Let's be MFP friends!
  • sonianz
    sonianz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ash,
    I'm wanting to re-commit to mfp and log each day so having friends who can motivate me (and I can help them) would be great! :smile:
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Thank you so much to all those beautiful people who responded - I have added you all to my page!! I can feel a change in the air already :smile: Look forward to chatting to you all more and more on MFP and supporting and motivating you guys as well as getting kicked in the butt myself from you to keep me travelling in the right direction :happy: