When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • polkadotmoon
    I couldn't fit into any of the spare scrubs we had at work. That and seeing a photo of us all lined up, actually seeing that I was the fattest member of staff was shocking. I always knew I was fat, I'd make jokes and simply shrug my shoulders about being fat, but actually seeing how fat I was really shocked me. We have it as the background picture for the computers at work, and every day I see it I'm reminded of why I need to make some permanent changes. I don't want to be the fat one who can't fit into the spare scrubs, and I certainly don't want to be known as "the fat one" when people are trying to describe me. Which is how I'm currently described because that's what I am - the fat one.

    So this new job was basically the back breaker when it came to taking control of my body.
  • Raynidays3367
    After surgery for a severely blocked aorta, (an abdominal aortic stent was placed in my aorta). My cholesterol was way out of line and my doctor said he was surprised I had not already had a heart attack or stroke.
    I am fairly young and still have a lot to do in life.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I'll be 40 in a year and 1 month. I don't want to head down the hill overweight. :laugh:
  • fitnessenchanted
    fitnessenchanted Posts: 41 Member
    My last straw was when I tried on a red prom dress that I mistakenly thought was a size 12..it was a size 5. So I'm putting it on and it was REALLY tight and I'm thinking "did I go up like 3 sizes in 1 week?" By the time I saw the 5 in my mirror reflection it was too late. The bust part of the dress was around my ribcage and it was stuck. It took me 10 minutes to try and get out of it without ripping it.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I couldn't run with my son without telling him I needed breaks

    I was asked if I was pregnant and when I said "no, just fat" the man insisted I must be due to the size of my stomach

    My size 18 jeans were getting tight. That was horrifying to think of having to buy the next size up

    The last last straw was having stomach flu for a week (!!) I know gross, but after I realized how much lighter and healthier I felt without all that junk food and fats in my system. I decided then to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • raindanceblu
    In my unhappy marriage of 15 years I gained over 60 lbs, then lost and regained the weight twice. Now I have been in a combative divorce for almost two years during which time we have to still live together, and have let the weight inch up again as a coping method. I have figured that since I don't believe in re-marriage, the comfort food is worth it as it would help me get through the divorce and I was out of the "game" anyway. But then the other day my nine-year-old bluntly told me that I look ugly and fat and that he wished I was skinny like before. It was that painful honesty that really brought me back to reality. I knew I was overweight again, but certainly didn't think of myself as fat and ugly. I now feel so strongly that being this way really is a choice, and even if it will just be for my own well-being and not about how I attractive I am to some guy it is well worth it.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    we had just come back from a great day at the beach. of course you want to tell yourself that the camera adds pounds or it just wasn't a good angle but every pic of the water or birds or my husband looked great.. as for me I looked huge. that was it. I started the next day. I would add a pic of before and now but don't know how and its on my profile
  • kareniniowa
    kareniniowa Posts: 15 Member
    This week. When I was winded and sweaty just walking to a meeting. I am 47 but feel like I am 80.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    I thought i was alright and went on holiday, wore a bikini most of the time ..then the pictures came back and i looked alot bigger and flabbier than i thought I was because my upper body has always been quite slim. I had no full length mirrors in my house at the time and i was like oh em gee, i have oatmeal for legs and pancakes for a butt! That was it for me.
  • tunastamper
    I have a neurological condition, and weight loss has been shown to help some patients, especially those who are overweight. It took me a long time to find the motivation, though. For the first year after diagnosis and the year leading up to that I was pretty damn exhausted all the time and didn't want to do anything. I was stressed, and to make matters worse I turned to food to make myself feel better. I started rewarding myself with unhealthy snacks whenever I'd get through a rough spell. Within a semester at college, I gained 14 pounds. I think that was what really shocked me into it. I knew that if I don't start changing something now, I would just keep gaining and gaining, and I didn't want that. I'm hoping to bring my weight back down to a healthy level, but I'm taking my time. I'm still sick and finding more and more health problems piling on, so I kind of have to just roll with the punches and use my good days as they come. But first and foremost, I want to stop using food as a means of comforting myself when my pain is overwhelming. It's not going to be easy, but I hope I can do it.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I'm not sure I had a "straw" so much as a "let's try this extremely rigid plan" which led me to MFP which led me to current plan which is so doable I just keep doing it. So it's become more of a "I think I can do this" than another day of "I have to do this"

    On another thought - some of my push to keep going initially was being surrounded by Plexus users and choosing to use that "peer pressure" to show them somebody can do it without "magic formula" that takes my money away beans.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    When nosy people at my church started a rumor that I was pregnant....then had the audacity to ask my dad about it. If I ever find out who had the cajones to do that, her and I will have to sit down and have a long "chat". :mad:

    I'm a christian and church people are the worst, there is more gossip, more hate, more sex before marriage lol all that stuff they preach you shouldn't do in the church they are all doing it behind closed doors and then some, that's why i don't go to church anymore i just believe in God at home away from hypocrites, frees up my Sundays to exercise and give me time to appreciate the blessings i have ..drama free.
  • Lil_Northern_Light
    Lil_Northern_Light Posts: 3,529 Member
    Pictures! I didn't like getting any of me because of the way my body looked. I was not comfortable with myself and That had to change. Learned alot the last few years to accept myself and know that I can go to great lengths If I choose too! On the humor side, it helped when my 2 girls started teasing mom about her "muffin top" lol. Just trying to stay positive, eat healthier and keep active
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    My husband telling me many times how he resents being tied to me because I'm fat.

    Ive just seen yr pictures and any man should be thanking God for you not belittling you. I reckon loose the weight show him what your made of and if he derails you and puts you down tell him that you resent him for being such a **** and most men would worship the ground you walk on and if dosent show you some respect and love he can shove it. (That's putting it eloquently :P)
  • hunniebunn
    hunniebunn Posts: 91 Member
    Stepped on the scale and was 202 pounds. Looking at old pictures of me partying with drinks in hand and stuffing my face. I knew I was bigger, but I didn't realize until now how big I actually looked when standing next to my friends. Stopped drinking and binge eating, began to log my food, and lost 48 pounds. I have put on weight recently from lifting and doing thai boxing 5 days a week, but I have lost a lot of inches and gone from a size 16 dress to an 8.
  • lounicholls1970
    lounicholls1970 Posts: 6 Member
    The train was crammed with commuters and the inspector got everyone to move out of the way and made a man give up his seat for the pregnant lady...but I'm not pregnant...I think that was what people call a wake-up call to re motivate.
  • mfregos2
    mfregos2 Posts: 10 Member
    I hit rock bottom when I went to the doctor because I had major pain on my waist. Doctor requested some lab work and the next day the doctor called me that I was anemic and pre-diabetic. Plus I got on the scale and it showed 200lbs. I refuse to go over 200lbs and I made a decision that I need to loose weight to be around more with my children.
  • littlebunny00
    littlebunny00 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a former drug addict. when i got clean 5 years ago i packed on the pounds. In november i looked in the mirror and realised how big i had gotten. I told myself if I could give up meth I could do anything. Now I am down 10kgs and i have never felt better!
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    going to the doctor and finding out I was in stage 2 hypertension... that was my real wake up call. Cut down my soda THAT day and keep cutting it down, and trying to eat healthier and work out more.
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    I am a former drug addict. when i got clean 5 years ago i packed on the pounds. In november i looked in the mirror and realised how big i had gotten. I told myself if I could give up meth I could do anything. Now I am down 10kgs and i have never felt better!

    Congrats on both counts :)