Need like minded friends =)


I am a 26 year old mother of 3 boys, ages 7, 5 and 2.5. My 5 year old is Autistic and to say the least, our life is a little tough. I have struggled for the last 8 years to regain my health and am still trying to figure out how to balance kids and fitness lol It's tough! I would like to add friends that are kind of in the same boat as me. I'd like to know how other people have incorporated exercise into their crazy busy lives. We are low income, and have absolutely no help from anyone. I am a stay at home mom and my husband works full time. We haven't had a *kid free* day in over a year, and we have only had 3 total since we have been married. It's too dark outside right now to go for a run/walk before my husband goes to work and I do have the option of taking my 2 younger boys with me in a jogging stroller when my 7 year old is at school but my Autistic son is not always willing to go... so, how do I do this? I'm so tired of being overweight. I eat Paleo and without exercise I have lost 17 lbs just with my diet, but it's not enough. I need to get out there and work out.. but how do I do this when I NEVER get a break from my kids...? Please tell me someone has an answer! lol

So, add me, please. =) I need some darn friends.


  • KarenYoung40
    KarenYoung40 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a mother of 3 and I home school. So I am with my kids most of the time. I would just like to encourage you to look up some workout videos online and try to get a workout in at home. There are a lot of exercises you can do as long as you are doing something it will help. I started taking my kids to the YMCA with me. I was doing great for a few weeks then got sick. So I had to take a week off... Going to start walking this week again. If you have a YMCA close to you, maybe they have a scholarship you could apply for... Just a thought.
    You can do this!
  • ELM70CA
    ELM70CA Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there, I am very busy also, and tired lol

    What I would suggest is do bits of exercise here and there throughout the day, or getting up extra early, which is hard and takes getting used to. Walking is great & good for stress. You could amp up the pace or carry a weighted knapsack to make it more challenging. If you have a smart phone, there are some good exercise apps on there. I have one called 7 minutes. It gets your heart rate up. :)
  • ELM70CA
    ELM70CA Posts: 35 Member
    I just realized you said it is too dark to walk. Hopefully it lights up soon. Try getting bits in here and there throughout the day, as I mentioned :) running on the spot, jumping jacks, squats, push-ups etc.... There are a lot of things you could do at home. I have been doing the treadmill for 20-30 minutes a day, but that is all I can do usually - if that.
  • I am 26 year old that's always on the go. I am a very emotional eater. Even though I am very active and have the lungs and endurance of superwoman, I use it as an excuse to eat anything and everything. I lost my father last year and became depressed therefore launching myself at all the food on site. Once I started to realize nothing fits and I am heaving so heavily by merely just walking I realized I am only killing myself slowly. It was a wake up call. My sister became such an influence and inspiration that I started to eat healthier. She made a drastic change losing over 30 lbs. My tummy was less inflamed and I had more energy. I was not as groggy or grumpy!!! I really do not care for much in losing weight, I DO but i want more muscle and I know muscle weighs heavier than actual fat. I just want to be FIT and healthy, not that skinny fat. I do better working out and having a support group. When I am at the gym I need to see others pushing hard so I can push harder. IT helps me out alot. My sister introduced me to this site and I am hooked. Its only my second day. Before this site though I was working out for a good month. I lost 10 pounds. I was at 158 and now at 148. I want to be at my highschool weight aha, 135 to be exact. I know it will not be easy though. I was 135 with muscle as I was in martial arts. I have been in marital arts all my life up until now, so much so that I work at a studio. Its the people that motivate me. Its people like you that I look to for support.

    Anyways, I hope inspire you all because from reading everyones introduction I am already inspired. The fact some of you have kids amazes me not because I think it is more difficult for parents, but because I know when you have kids, you are taking care of just not yourself but a family now. The focus is not all you anymore. I am apart of a 7 member family, twins that are boy and girl, another sister and brother!

    Now lets get healthy, lose pounds and maintain to be fit!