Trouble Slimming Down Butt and Thighs



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Never have really. Don't want to. Embrace the pear shape.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    5'8" here and I've only lost according to my ticker about 12 lbs and weighed in at 144 today... I went from a size 10/12 to a 6/8

    So to better answer your question, it wasn't the weight.... it was when I started recomping by losing fat and slowing increasing muscle. It took about 8-10 months or so do to. I did it by eating around my maintenance and lifting heavy weights.

    I'm hoping this works for me, as I am pretty close to my goal weight and lifting. I don't want to be skinny I like having a shape and don't want a scrawny neck so dipping below 136# isn't my goal. I just become a smaller pear anyway. Current measurements are about 29" waist, 40" hips, upper thigh 23 and mid thigh 18". Jogging, walking and biking helps me slim down my legs. Now that the weather is better I'll be dong more of that besides continuing to lift. I'm envious of women with good definition in their upper legs but I don't know if it's obtainable for me. Too much of a hedonist for what it would take. I posted some profile pics taken recently. I'm 5'5" and fit an 8 jean comfortably right now at about 142#.

    maybe we need a pear shaped group. :laugh:
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    Arg! I can so relate. As you can see, my abs look pretty darn good IMHO in my profile pic. But trying to lose that last little bit of stubborn bottom fat has left the rest of me looking a little too lean IMO. The veins in my arms are sticking out so far it's a little embarrassing, and I'm starting to see every lean lump and bump in my chest and abdomen, but still have that stubborn bit of bottom jiggle. I'm thinking at my age, I may just have to settle. I haven't quite decided yet!

    BTW, I am 5'6" and 124 to 126 lbs currently.

    You look amazing! I can't believe at 124 and with abs like that, that you still got some junk in that trunk. I guess thats what it means to be a pear shape! I'm guessing your bottom probably looks pretty toned and tight though. :)
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    I have lost six pounds and all my pants are fitting baggier in the bottom. In other words I have less junk in my trunk and thighs. The only thing different I have done is to put the treadmill on a ten incline and walk/jog for at least thirty minutes. I changed up the treadmill routine about two months ago.

    I am 5'4 and weigh 139. I reached that goal this week and am happy with that.

    Thats awesome! I'm glad you found something that works for you. I just hit 137 this week and my tush is still the same! I guess everybody has something that works for them. So excited for you! :)
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome resources! I just finished up my ten week pilates class, so I'll have to give these a try. Thanks so much for your response!
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't been doing weights because I don't have a gym membership or the money to devote to buying the weights right now. I figured I'd try to lose some of the excess fat before I put on muscle weight. I do love lifting weights, though!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Ultimately, that's your body shape - the more estrogen you have, the more your weight sits around your thighs and hips so unless you took anti-estrogens (not a good idea!!!) you won't be able to change your proportions drastically. There's nothing wrong with being pear-shaped though, you should embrace it! I'm more of a butt fan anyway haha :--)


  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I need help in this area too. I wear plus size pants (size 18W-20W depending on the style as my thighs are just way too big), but always have that annoying gap in the waist! Not only that, but I can fit into petite tops (XL, but that is only to fit my bust, tops are always baggy around my waist, I am also broad shouldered). So annoying.
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    I guess I am pear shaped, 32-27-43, with big thighs (really have not measured them) I recently started working with a training on the lower half, initially is was for toning but after he saw me in a short sleeve tight top he thought concentrating on the lower half is what I need to do.

    Some of what I am doing now and seeing results:

    Lots and lots of weighted box squats
    1 Leg Step Ups - weighted and non-weighted
    Treadmill at incline 15
    Running ( I am also doing C25K)
    Stationary Bike at min resistance 11 and rpm 70-75

    I feel your pain, I wear a small top and 12-14 pants that never ever fit the waist.

    My doctor and trainer have promised me that once I stop losing I will gain back some fat to my upper body - never thought I would look forward to that, but you know some parts are like sad deflated balloons :smile:

    LMAO "sad deflated balloons". I totally understand! I have the same issues- have to wear a belt with every pair of pants because they NEVER fit in the waste but fit everywhere else. Meanwhile, I have a S/M top...Life could be worse, I guess. Better to have extra weight downstairs than it is centered around your torso!
  • kingdomsora48
    kingdomsora48 Posts: 22 Member
    5'8" here and I've only lost according to my ticker about 12 lbs and weighed in at 144 today... I went from a size 10/12 to a 6/8

    So to better answer your question, it wasn't the weight.... it was when I started recomping by losing fat and slowing increasing muscle. It took about 8-10 months or so do to. I did it by eating around my maintenance and lifting heavy weights.

    Wow, thats awesome! I'm so looking forward to the days I can get my gym membership back so I can start lifting weights again. Lifting used to be my favorite part of the gym (hated cardio unless it was Zumba). Congratulations on your success!
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I really like THE FIRM DVD series (body sculpting system 1 & 2 are favs). They use a 14" step and the motion of stepping up tones your but and thighs. While not exactly like gym weights youre still lifting your body weight plus hand weights. You can check out the older videos (complete with 80s leg warmers) on you tube
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I'm heavier than most people here on this thread and I had been an X shape many decades ago. Then I became a pear after that with a Venus de Willendorf type of body and really really huge thighs with huge very wide buns.

    I am currently about 220 and about 2 weeks ago or so I started the Brazil Butt Lift. I am now getting back to being an X, even at 220. I noticed last night when I was brushing my teeth - I went WHOA MY HIPS ARE SMALLER!!! I was so thrilled!!!

    I am not doing any of the other dvds that came with the BBL, except HIGH & TIGHT, and I do that every single day of the week. I noticed a bit of a change after the first time I did it, I know that sounds odd, but, I was really happy about it & could not believe it either.

    I started doing BBL High & Tight because it was free on the Xbox One Gold. I saw it and thought, hey I'll try it. And it was the perfect fit for me. Then Xbox one started having a few issues. I bought the dvd set, but again, I stick with the High & Tight alone.

    When I see the xbox one "shadow" of myself, my hips have gone down. I take weekly selfies, and have recently added full body front and backs to my pix (that I'll probably never show anyone lol).

    So that is my story, High & Tight really works. I also do Zumba with weights daily and Just Dance 2014 - those I do with my husband. The High & Tight I do alone and it kills me every single time I do it.

    ETA: Love the trainer too - Leandro Carvalho! He's the best! Very motivational!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I haven't been doing weights because I don't have a gym membership or the money to devote to buying the weights right now. I figured I'd try to lose some of the excess fat before I put on muscle weight. I do love lifting weights, though!

    Strong Curves by Bret Contreras (book) also has body weight plans as well as weights.
  • My best advice is to be careful. When I was a teenager I was determined to slim down my butt and thighs. I wanted them to be slim and proportionate to my upper body. I wound up anorexic--dropping to as low as 95 pounds at 5'4"--and still had my bubble butt and saddlebag thighs. I'm actually convinced that most of what makes a woman pear shaped is, in fact, muscle. Women gain muscle more easily in the lower body than the upper body. As I got older, I began to realize that if I focused my attention on building the muscle in my upper body and only did cardio for my lower body, I could sculpt my body to look more proportionate and less pear shaped. I also came to terms with the fact that my body will never look waify like a runway model's. Not every woman is capable of being a size 2. Not every woman is an ectomorph. If you're fit and your hip measurement is, say, 40", focus you're attention on building your pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles up to 40", while also doing regular general cardio. Building your deltoids to be proportionate can help, too. This strategy worked very well for me, until I went back to college. Then it was all over, which is why I'm in my final semester and using MyFitnessPal. Best of luck!

    p.s. I never had a gym membership when I was lifting weights. I used a Nordic Track (they're frequently listed on Freecycle and Craigslist), jumped rope, or jogged and used basic free weights that I bought for hardly anything at GNC. I also did tons of push-ups. I'm looking forward to getting back into this fitness routine when I graduate, as I know it works (at least for me).
  • I just checked and GNC still sells the kind of free weights I've always used. They are currently selling for $19.99 each, plus $2.99 shipping, but I bought mine in the retail store at the local mall. I think they're well worth the investment and, no, I don't work for GNC.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Sadly, I don't think there is a way. I swim, run, cycle and lift free weights, no change to my basic body shape.

    I'm currently UK size 16 on the bottom (sometimes even an 18 in trousers) and a 14 (with big baps) on top. Started as a 24 on bottom, 20-22 on top.

  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    My best advice is to be careful. When I was a teenager I was determined to slim down my butt and thighs. I wanted them to be slim and proportionate to my upper body. I wound up anorexic--dropping to as low as 95 pounds at 5'4"--and still had my bubble butt and saddlebag thighs. I'm actually convinced that most of what makes a woman pear shaped is, in fact, muscle. Women gain muscle more easily in the lower body than the upper body. As I got older, I began to realize that if I focused my attention on building the muscle in my upper body and only did cardio for my lower body, I could sculpt my body to look more proportionate and less pear shaped. I also came to terms with the fact that my body will never look waify like a runway model's.

    When I was in college I went down to 88. I hated the food. I still had a butt, although it was smaller and every trace of cellulite I had was gone. I didn't have curvy thighs back then. I agree that shape is created by muscle and that if you have areas in which your body deposits disproportionate amounts of fat you shouldn't add muscle (if you're working out primarily for looks). My workout regime is similar to yours, I avoid direct resistance weights on my lower body.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sadly, I don't think there is a way. I swim, run, cycle and lift free weights, no change to my basic body shape.

    I'm currently UK size 16 on the bottom (sometimes even an 18 in trousers) and a 14 (with big baps) on top. Started as a 24 on bottom, 20-22 on top.


    I agree. Short of surgery, the best thing to do is to learn to dress for your shape.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If I gain weight, the only place it is noticable is on my thighs/booty, and sometimes my abs will be slightly less visible (though it rarely ever got to that point). So it's never been a major problem. I have a round, perky booty and I like it. So, when I lose 5 pounds of fat I don't want to lose muscle. So I find it effective to lose fat, but do weights as well. I'm very pleased with the results. I'm 36 and a mother of 2. I want to keep this up my whole life.