On to the weight...

So in replying to another new user here I decided to introduce myself as well. I'm not new to the site, I've been using it for awhile now but I've been quiet on the boards. I was focusing on quitting smoking and now that I have that dragon slain (3 months along, hopefully for good) I've decided to focus on the weight. I'm down to 327 from a high of 410 (started here when I was about 360) and I'd like to share successes and relate struggles with others. I'd also like to offer what motivation and encouragement I can as well. So if you're new, old, fat or thin and want another buddy, please feel free to add me. Thanks.


  • timodawson
    timodawson Posts: 41 Member
    Awesome job man! I am 2 months quite smoking and as of this morning down 40 lbs. Only about 150-160lbs more to go for me. :-P

    How did you quit smoking? Patch, cold turkey, etc.? I used Chantix after trying and failing every other way.
  • LindsayJA76
    Congrats to u both on the success with quitting smoking. I quit a few years ago and know just how hard you have worked :) WTG!! looking for friends ans supporters here as well, would like to be of help to u as well