Has anyone tried the Metabolic Research Center diet?

Has anyone ever tried the Metabolic Research Center diet? Did you have success with it? What challenges did you have?


  • Internetta
    Internetta Posts: 7 Member
    I have and lost 30 lbs first time, gained it all back after we lost our home in a tornado 1 1/2 years ago. Back on it now. Lost 5 lbs first week. I am having some cravings but get enough food.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I have not, and am leery of weight loss solutions that cost money. Making healthy food choices costs nothing. A food is either healthy or not-healthy and it comes down to that simple fact. A company with a scientific sounding name doesn't make it any more effective than doing your own research and making good choices. A good book is "It Starts With Food" ... much cheaper than buying supplements and lining someone else's pocket.

    This is my opinion and I know you asked about people's experience with this company so my response may be unwanted.

    Edit: for spelling
  • princessfe19
    princessfe19 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on Metabolic for a little under two weeks. I have lost ten pounds. I had terrible cravings for the first week. I froze the premade protein drinks and added stevia. I also made popsicle out of Greek yogurt, wildberry powder, and cut up strawberries. I follow the diet for the most part, but I will eat more fruit or have two creamies in the same day. I will have to clean it up when it starts getting harder to lose weight. If I may ask, why did you gain it back? Was it stress eating? Is it hard to maintain without the HNS supplements?
  • chefdefergus
    chefdefergus Posts: 1 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago and am doing pretty well with it. I was leery of any program that requests purchasing lots of supplements. I am down 16 pounds and feeling positive. Over all I feel good. I definitely get hungry and with my work schedule it is hard to get in a full lunch. I was not so hungry at night so Im doing the two meal plan currently.

    I looked into the products as much as one can. They are made in a lab certified by the FDA that what they say is in the capsules is really in them. They call it cGMP standards.

    Good luck
  • jcnjsgurl
    jcnjsgurl Posts: 42 Member
    I've returned to MRC. What's hard for me: I don't cook, so I have to get used to spending a lot of time (for me) in the kitchen/ Planning meals/ trying to make food taste good without using salt etc.-- The bright side for me is that this is the first time going through the program so it feels a bit easier right now than what it orginally was.

    I have been on preconditioning for 8 days now. I lost 10.5 pounds. i'm hoping that wasn't a fluke and their scale was right. Ha ha. We will see though.
  • lovinlandl
    lovinlandl Posts: 99 Member
    I did MRC about 2 years ago. I lost 28 pounds....it took me quite awhile. Primarily because I like to excercise and I wasn't getting enough food. I kept off 26 pounds but that is with a lot of fluctuation. You have to remember it isn't a diet bit a life change.

    I am now trying MFP so I can eat and excercise but, the scale moves extremely slow. I recently increased my calories to see of that will help.

    Keep in mind with MRC it isn't about calories in and calories out but it is about the combination of the foods so different than what we are trying to accomplish on MFP.
  • Hi I just started MRC what people on the diet typically eat for Breakfast and what do you do when you are hungry. The lady at MRC said to drink another HRS. I need some tips!

    I know the diet it works because I did it 13 years ago, but that was when the supplements had extras in them.
  • Hi there, I am doing MRC again and I want to know what is your food menu. Did you eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner or switch up? I am having cravings and kind of hungry. I am trying to drink extra HNS.

    Thank you
  • I did about five years ago, I lost 80 pounds. I kept 60 of it off for the five years. I had to learn to find a weight that I could easily maintain while not freaking out about eating the wrong thing. It has to be a total change and I can't eat whatever I want when I want and I make sure I exercise. It took me awhile to be comfortable again in my own skin but I eventually got there. They offer a great support program which is what I was lacking, how do you think you get heavy to begin with. Not that people don't care or want you to succeed but eating healthy is a commitment that not everyone in my house hold wants to do. Plus I needed the accountability of the weigh ins. Good luck with your endeavor... you can do it
  • I did MRC a couple of years ago and went off of it after losing aobut 35 pounds in 2 or 3 months. I have just started up again and am in pre-conditioning. MRC has a much different concept than most "diets". They use a combination of foods to get your body to burn calories. At first you aren't supposed to do more than walk for about 20 minutes a few times a week, but you eventually have to start exercising. I love the amount of support I get, the people are absolutly amazing. One thing I really like is that you not only lose pounds, but also inches. Lots of Inches! I am excited to be back on the program and see what happens over the next few months.
  • I Just started MRC last Sunday and so far have lost 6.5lbs. My co-worker's wife has been on it for about a year and lost 162lbs. I need to lose a total of 68lbs. I'm in phase two which I think it'll be better, because the pre conditioning phase isn't that easy. I ate alot of veggies to keep the hunger away...water helps too. I'm trying to drink 64 oz a day.
  • Diet4545
    Diet4545 Posts: 2
    Hi All,
    I read all the reviews about MRC from all the possible sites. Thanks all for your feedback.. it helps a lot to decide which diet program to start. I am currently looking to start a Diet plan to loose around 30 Pounds. I will be going for my first free consulting with MRC soon. Lets see how i like it. :)
  • Diet4545
    Diet4545 Posts: 2
    Hi All,
    I started the Pre-conditioning menu and also started with the All day weight loss Supplement from MRC. The first day i took for Breakfast and Lunch, i felt dizzy and had a Headach. I thought it might be just my headach which i normally get. But then i took the the last supplement of the day: Before bedtime, And my headach kicked off in the late night and i dint sleep after that. I have dicontinued the ADWL for now. Did anyone had this similar experience?
  • dllewis7
    dllewis7 Posts: 33 Member
    I am on it the last three months and have lost 25 lbs. I could have lost more but being a full-time university student exam weeks I'm unable to stay on the program strictly.

    I like the monthly fat% and muscle % calculations they perform to insure that you are losing the right proportions. Being over 50 years, my metabolism had slowed to a halt. Even though I was able to get to 200, for three years I was unable to get below 200. MRC allowed me to do that and go well below. I truly believe I will reach my goal weight in 3 months and keep it off, as I kept my 200 weight for 3 yrs due to movement and better eating.

    It works for me and I'm doing my best to stay the course in order to finish the toughest part - the restriction - fast and get back to maintenance normal fueling.

  • alhcup
    alhcup Posts: 1
    I lost 25 pounds in 3 months - took the Big 3 also but I think as long as you do the diet you will loose - and drinking the water is the most important thing. I did not exercise at all. And I felt like I got plenty of food. Spagetti Squash with the tomato basil protein packet is great - the 35-45 calorie bread they suggest you buy at the the grocery store is good also. I stopped the diet and have not gained anything back yet. I plan to get back on the diet again soon to loose another 15 pounds. I bought the cookbook - which has a lot of great ideas in it.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I went to the Metabolic Research Center. They put me in a cage with a human-sized hamster wheel, a water bottle, and some pellets. I did lose six pounds in four days, but the water tasted very flat and the people in the labcoats kept brandishing clipboards at me.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I went to the Metabolic Research Center. They put me in a cage with a human-sized hamster wheel, a water bottle, and some pellets. I did lose six pounds in four days, but the water tasted very flat and the people in the labcoats kept brandishing clipboards at me.

    Now I want to go too!
  • I just started the MRC diet today! I have a question for anyone who can answer it. Why can you NOT exercise at first on this diet? I need to lose about 80 lbs and have been working out about 4 days a week. Should I stop?
  • I lost 36 &1/2 pounds almost 6 years ago with Metabolic. I used what a plan called Meta Slim & the pounds came right off. I still use some of the supplements they offer but they are not a mandatory part of any of their programs. I do it for the health benefit I love the cooking classes they offer and still go from time to time, they even encouraged me to bring my husband too. The staff is so motivating & inspiring, most of them were once client's too. The name Metabolic Research comes from the fact they have been helping people for something like 25 years, they have a lot of different plans and seem to spend a lot of time getting to know their client's so they can offer the best advice. Since going to Metabolic, I have come off blood pressure medication too. They do recommend you utilize their added protein supplements so that you lose the right kind of weight, but it isn't mandatory either. Someone asked about excising - you can exercise on any of their programs, I know with the HCG they prefer you to take it easy until you get a handle on it, but my friend lost 52 pounds with that program & she went to the gym every day. They will adjust your menu to meet your needs, hope this helps.
    - Still Feeling Great & Thin after 6 years :)