My first post

I joined MFP about a month ago but haven't posted. I'm almost retired (Aug. 2014) and was going to have bariatric surgery. In preparation for surgery, one requirement is that I log my food intake and make some life changes. Somebody suggested MFP as an easy way to track food.

The first week or so, after tracking my food I spent about an hour each night reading the "success stories" of people on MFP. You people are so inspirational! I have decided not to do the surgery, just lose the weight. After reading so many stories, it seems possible.

Given my history, a betting person wouldn't put their money on me. I've always been heavy; I can remember cruel comments by classmates back as far as 2nd grade, so being overweight really has been a life-long problem for me, and it's always defined who I am. I've lost also lost substantial amounts of weight, especially on WeightWatchers, but it never stays off. However, this means that I do know how to eat healthy, measure food, etc., and I can do it when I believe in it. This has to be the time that I really do it forever. Like I said, I'm almost retired, and I can't keep playing this yo-yo game forever.

I enjoy reading all your success stories and they motivate me. I see it's possible. Thank you.


  • pixlestar
    pixlestar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Deb

    This is my first post too :smile:

    I have decided to grasp the nettle and this week I joined a Gym...unthinkable for me as I am so unfit....which is my reason completely for finally taking the plunge. Like you I am a "more mature" lady and have a considerable amount of weight to lose. I had been going to a diet club, which was great but when the leader is the largest person in the class it isn't exactly I thought rather than pay my money to them every week, I would use it to pay for a local gym subscription (which actually works out cheaper) and get the opportunity to use the gym and swimming pool.

    In my opinion you have made the right decision regarding your surgery. You are obviously in the right mindset and motivated to lose weight on your own....and I am sure you will, without having to undergo surgery.

    I would be more than happy to "buddy up" with you and maybe we can see those pounds disappear together :happy:

    Either way...good luck with your mission, this time next year you will be a new woman xx
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello :-)
    Congratulations on your decision to live healthy!! You can do this, and become a success as well!! It takes time and Effort, but it can be done :-) just stick with it and weigh and measure everything you eat. It took me a while to get it all figured out, but soon it will just become part of your daily routine. I'm looking forward to reading your success story one day!! :-)
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    If you stick to it, I'd place a bet on you. This place will inspire you if you let it, if you are open. Now, of course, there is a seedy side but you can avoid those forums, there are some haters, but they do not last very long. Stay true to your course, log log log. It taught me so much about how to live, I would not be where I am today without it. And I would not where I am with out the support of my friends. If you wish to friend me, feel free, if not, I wish you well on your path - great decision to do this yourself, earning something through hard work means that you keep to it b/c it was hard work to get there. Good Luck
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I am so thrilled that you have opted out of surgery! I will not lie -- you're in for a really long, hard journey but there are TONS of people on this site who want to walk with you. So build up your friend list and get started! I look forward to sharing in your success! :o)
  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate, Deb. I'm in my 50s. My weight was fine in college, because I went to school on a large campus and had to walk everywhere. But after that, I got a job and had less time (and motivation) to work out, so gradually the weight added on, and added on...

    I joined MFP last winter and lost about 10 lbs in a couple of months just trying to eat more healthy (mostly veggies and some lean protein), plus walking and logging my food here. But then my schedule got so hectic I didn't have time to take care of myself (just muddle by) and I gained that weight back.

    I'm back now after several months. I've thought about the surgery thing, but truthfully that scares me. I started a different eating program (Isagenix) and it has been wonderful -- I seem to have more energy.

    You can do this! So many others's the willpower thing! I will send you a friend message so we can encourage each other?
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I know your story well (minus considering surgery). Check out my profile - I'm a good cheerleader AND good when you are tired of things. My secret has simply been "progress over perfection." Perfectionism kills me. I think if I'm not doing it exactly so then it won't work. NOT TRUE turns out. All I have to do is keep trying or resume trying when it goes off the rails.

    Sometimes I need a break - but it's not the end of the effort. That's been how I'm doing it. Friend me and let's do it!

    I'm doing this - but at the speed of a turtle on Valium. I decided speed is not my friend. LOL
  • Hey! You got this! You are not alone, just remember you are worth this process. Start slow and work your way up. We're all cheering for you!