Nervous Newcomer!

I'm terrible at sticking to diets, and apps/sites like this one petrify me. What if I eat too much? Shall I not log it but feel bad about myself? I get down a lot, and thought that getting fit would help bring up my self esteem & mood a little. But sometimes, on days like today, I don't get hungry, so just drink water all day. I know this is bad but some days I feel sick if I eat. I don't know what to do! Other days, I'll over eat all day and feel terrible :/


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would make yourself up a meal plan, and try your best to stick to it daily. You cabus the ools on here and set yourself up a daily goal. Sometimes looking at it, rather then thinking about it, helps. Meaning, seeing it written down may help you want to stick to your plan. After a few weeks of getting used to, it will start to become routine.
  • Thanks very much! I think it's the whole "you mustn't eat this", "that'll make you fat" that worry me, people even say veg is bad for you! Argh! Haha, I think I will definitely make up a meal plan though because then it'll divert me from snacking too! Thanks a lot! :)
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    Hmm, it does sound like you're kind of psyching yourself out over your fitness journey. Don't! :o) Even though developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lot of hard work, it can also be a lot of fun. Start with baby steps: Log whatever you eat and allow yourself to feel badly for just a moment, then get back to being the awesome you that you are! I'm a huge negative self-talker and it's taken a lot of time to start thinking of myself in a positive light. But it can happen. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some extra support along your way. This is only the beginning - amazing things are in store for you! Good luck!
  • Thank you so much! It's nice t have someone who can relate, I think you're right, and it's just the thought of "oh no what if I don't lose weight!" But it's clear that none of the people on here are judgemental, just supportive! Thank you :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    It can be so intimidating, I know! The first few times I tried to change my lifestyle I ended up miserable. The difference this time? I have NO forbidden foods. I eat what I want in moderation and have changed my portion sizes considerably. I think portion control is the most important part- looking back, I used to eat a crazy amount in what I thought were healthy dinners.

    Of course this HAS led to me eating less chocolate etc just because I don't get as much food for a large amount of calories, but I still have it if I want it. I log *everything*, it keeps me accountable and there's no point in cheating myself. I need to be able to look back on my diary and see what could have caused X or Y.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You can have treats, just have them in moderation. Mfp gives you all the tools you need in order to set up a plan, and all you have to do is follow it :-) I just think sometimes its easier to follow something if you can see it written down, rather then just thoughts in my head! Lol! You'll figure it out, just play around with your diary and make up a meal plan that's easy to follow :-)
  • Thanks so much! Yeah, you're definitely right about portion control! I'm little at 5"3, but I can eat a hell of a lot! It's odd, if I'm about to have a meal but I know it won't fill me up entirely, I'll refuse to eat it and just won't eat, which doesn't really make sense I know haha. And I'm definitely a "boredom eater" :$ if I'm doing nothing I'll binge eat, but if I exercise u don't et hungry? Argh, body's confuse me! Haha, thanks for your advice!
  • You can have treats, just have them in moderation. Mfp gives you all the tools you need in order to set up a plan, and all you have to do is follow it :-) I just think sometimes its easier to follow something if you can see it written down, rather then just thoughts in my head! Lol! You'll figure it out, just play around with your diary and make up a meal plan that's easy to follow :-)

    Oh wow you're so right about the "in my head" part. So many times I've thought "oh I'll eat this now and then I can eat that later", ten minutes later I've eaten junk! Haha, thanks a lot :D
  • I like what everyone has said so far!! This is a journey...start logging it all...I think awareness is the key. I'm just on day has not been perfect but I just keep on keeping on. I'm tired of being my own worse enemy! You...we...can do this.....:)!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Diet aside - if you do get down and a little depressed exercise is really helpful.

    Remember - the only person judging you is yourself - so log everything - even your 'mistakes' - logging is the best way to learn portion control and also any patterns to your eating habits. No foods are banned - you can eat normal food - just less of it. Planning the day ahead so I know what I've got in hand helps me, it can always be adjusted as the day progresses.

    As I've said before - enjoy the journey to better health and fitness - more care and interest in what you put into your mouth makes meals more and not less enjoyable - you prepare food better and savour every mouthful. It is good to add a few friends - then you can look at people's food diaries and get some good ideas for your meals and exercise habits.

    Don't be scared - we're nice and there's good advice on here - sometimes directly given but good none the less!
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm the same way... sometimes I'm just not hungry. But I make myself eat. You have to fuel your body in order to lose weight. Boost that metabolism!!! And log everything, even if you go over. Everyone has bad days... or weight gains.

    Your in the right place to succeed though!!! I wouldn't have been able to do it without MFP. I've lost 75lb's and have 5lb's to go to my goal. I log everyday!!!

    If you would like a friend... add me ;)

    Good luck Hon!!!!