Let's Try This Again!

So I have been on and off MFP for almost two years. I think I need some friends to keep me motivated so I can keep logging my progress. Since January 2014 I made a commitment to stay on track with not just clean eating and exercise but tracking what I eat. I feel it is very necessary and important to see how many calories I consume. Anyone want to be friends? We can help each other...


  • rainbowzara
    rainbowzara Posts: 5 Member
    Same here, been with MFP for almost 2 years. I was doing well, but fell off. Ive been back on track for almost a month now and I am seeing progress and feeling great. I would love to help keep you motivated. I need the motivation as well, i don't have to many friends on here that post and log in every day.
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Okay let's do it!!!
    Me too I am doing everything right except for the tracking part. We can def motivate each other!!!!
  • derby68
    derby68 Posts: 1
    Right there with you girls!! I have been tracking for about 2 weeks now and used to think it was stupid but realize that it is good! I usually have to put it in ahead of time or at night when I get home. I have lost 2lbs by staying within my calorie count! :) WE can do this!!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    The huge difference this time around has been the circle of MFP friends I have found who offer encouragement, support, advice, and truth telling. Logging my food, water, and exercise is huge too, but that can become a very solitary and insular thing. There's nothing like seeing folks chime in on your accomplishments and provide a boost when I need one.

    I think our goals are a bit different, but I think we could motivate each other. Anyone here can feel free to send me a friend request.