Should I be feeling this way?

I've been logging for about 13 days and have eaten decently better. I have a real bad sweet tooth! So I've been eating lots of fruit to help combat this. Today for the first time in those 13 days I cheated and ate 3 Potbelly oatmeal chocolate minis (8g sugar each) and immediately after I started feeling so crummy!! I got a real bad headache and just wanted to lay down. Is this something I've entirely made up in my mind or does this sort of thing truly happen. Hours later I still feel the same way. I do have PCOS and could potentially be insulant resistant. Prior to logging my food, it was very typically for me to have at least 1 Starbucks frap a day along with eating anything to give me my fix..... Waffles and syrup.....muffins.....cookies.....cereals...

I'm 5'5 and weigh 141, trying to get to 125!

Any info would be great :)


  • Angela937
    Angela937 Posts: 514 Member
    Certain ingredients in sweets can sometimes cause headaches, such as aspartame. Beware of artificial sweeteners and "sugar free" products. Aspartame can cause a list of issues, weight gain being one.
    Also, be careful how much fruit you're eating, because there is still natural sugar. Look at the nutrition guide underneath your diary (or if you use your phone you find it in the menu,) and be sure you are eating only as much sugar as recommended. Be sure you get the proper amount of good fats, protein, carbs, and sodium. This will help you feel full longer, and should eventually reduce cravings!
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Sorry to jack your thread, I'm just curious how aspartame leads to weight gain?

    op, if you're going raw you may have been detoxing.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    In a nutshell, yes. Your body isn't as used to the sugar as it was. PCOS with insulin resistance generally needs a reduced carb diet. Fruit is loaded with carbs from the natural sugars, some more so than others. One strategy is to have a protein with those carbs to help slow down absorption. For example, a tsp of peanut butter or some cheese with apple slices.

    As for artificial sweeteners, I think it's very individualized. Some can tolerate them while others can't. You'll just have to take notice of what you eat and how you feel afterwards. Some say having the sweet taste just leaves your body wanting more sweet, sugary foods. Again, I think that is a misleading blanket statement which applies to some but not everyone.

    There are several PCOS groups here if you want to talk to others about it. I've had it for 25 yrs unfortunately.
  • Rsm220
    Rsm220 Posts: 5
    heck! I wish I got sick when I ate sweets,, what better diet aid could there be?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to binges.

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