Please help need motivation and advice

I started a diet 2 weeks ago and so far lost 4.6 kg (10 lb) very happy I have not done any exercise yet I just can't seem to get the motivation and really don't know where to start I'm now at 86 kg (192lb) and after 3 kids my skin and weight just isn't what it once was ( muffin top, lose skin, obese ) so what I'm asking is there anybody that can give me advice on a beginners workout at home I own my own treadmill, cross trainer, rower, ab circle and weights plus willing to buy a kettle bell and do squats a really good fat burning and toning routine would be great thanks for any help you can give me feel free to add me and keep me motivated

Starting weight 91.2 kg
Current weight 86.6 kg (2 weeks in )
Goal weight 65 kg


  • Soaringrose
    Soaringrose Posts: 52 Member
    I also am just starting out myself. I have 100 to lose. Honestly this is only my 3rd day but I am going strong :) I bought the Zumba game for the kids Kinects 360 Xbox game and it is so fun. It does get me moving like crazy and its fun AND i can do it with my kids. So we all have fun. I have 4 kiddos ranging from 14-7 and my body isnt what it was either. I am so pumped to see this transformation. I know we gotta work it to lose more and more. Today me and my kids are gonna spend the day at the river and go walking etc... Maybe you can find some fun things to do with the kids I guess is what I am suggesting. Our lives are pretty centered around them. I just started getting a few things myself such as some 4lb hand weights. I tried to do hold those while doing Zumba last night and oh my word I was feeling it. I am pretty dramatic when doing the Zumba to get all I can from it :) I cant go to the gym because I do have all my kiddos so I plan on envolving them alot. I know we can do this. I feel so good waking up this morning after working my booty off yesterday and going on my 3rd day with no sodas and no sugar...
  • tarz4brez
    tarz4brez Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the reply and good luck to you on your journey good idea on the Zumba I don't have the game but I do have the DVDs
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I started at home with a gym ball a resistance band, instructions were included in both. I found a girl on u tube, Laura London, she had some great workouts that I could actually do, I picked two or three that were about a half hour total ( 10 minutes x 3 reps) There are hundreds of others out there but these were just right for my ability and fitness level at the time. I felt good after each session, and this motivated me to keep doing them. One thing led to another and I joined a gym. I also have a bench barbell and dumbbells at home. Basically I have turned myself from a food addict to a weight training addict in just 12 months.

    We lose muscle as we age. My 60kg goal weight when I achieved it looked fatter than a 63kg picture of me 20 years ago. Cardio helped me lose weight but weights are making me leaner. Whatever you choose to do good luck :-)
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I bought all this crap for me to workout at home with plus we have a weight machine, I used it sporatically! I got sick of my non dedication to my expensive purchases and I chose to get a gym membership and I have a personal trainer. Yep it is pricey, it was a bold move but for someone who has never exercised in my life, I needed it!! I have more muscles now than I have ever had in my life!! whoot whoot it all varies on what you like and how motivated you are! I'd love to be your friend along this journey, I'm at the same weight you are at and I'm always looking for new ideas to change things up for myself.
  • tarz4brez
    tarz4brez Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the reply I'm going to start of slow and see how I go
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    I know of women in the same predicament you're presently in. It's tough trying to loose weight with a family, especially when younger children are a part of your life.

    The biggest problem with most "home equipment"is the instability. Cross trainers, treadmills, etc., are not up to gym standards. They feel uncomfortable and shaky. There are "dialable"bumbbells ", one I can think of is Bowflex, which are pretty good and take up virtually no space. It allows you to increase weight with what looks like one set.

    Back to the other women and even men, they eventually end up at a gym. Being a member stimulates motivation, weight reduction, learning, social needs, and most importantly, lack of injuries. There is one not too far from where I am living that offers day care or things for even older children after school. This is a new thing here and mostly likely comes from the US.

    Regardless of whatever you do, I do hope you find a means to get and stay motivated and stay fit!
  • tarz4brez
    tarz4brez Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for your reply
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    I started my fitness journey in December of 2012. I didn't start any exercise (nor honestly did I feel inclined to) Until the beginning of March 2013. When I started I joined a gym because I had nothing at home and two big dogs who like to get in the way. I started on a treadmill and walked, my goal was 30 minutes a day. I found the more I did the more I got motivated. I moved outside when the weather here in Michigan normalized and by June I had started jogging. Added into the mix for me was some swimming, water aerobics, kayaking, biking and I've just added weights. I'm not in a huge hurry, I know I had/have a lot of weight to lose and I'm working on enjoying the process, not forcing myself to do stuff I don't like. So pick something(s) you will do and start and see where it leads. If you don't like it, get tired of it, or want to add something else, do!
  • tarz4brez
    tarz4brez Posts: 38 Member
    Thank u so much for your advice it helps a lot to hear it I will be getting on my treadmill tonight
  • tarz4brez
    tarz4brez Posts: 38 Member
    Anybody else have any ideas