New here :) Advices/Friends Welcome

Hey :) I would like to lose a good 20 pounds and fairly new to the whole 'working out' thing! It's been almost a month without results but changing fat for muscles so no weight loss yet :( A little disapointed :( I'm not able to do more than 10-15 minutes cardio ... My legs wants to die every time :(


  • Don't be disappointed. As you lift you'e going to gain a significant amount of muscle, which is about 18-20% more dense than fat. Measurements are a good way to track your progress instead of weight, at least as long as you're experiencing newbie gains in muscle. Cardio is all about working towards it, I used to barely be able to do 10 minutes 3 weeks ago when I started, but on Thursday I knocked out 45 minutes at high resistance. Keep working at it and your endurance will go up!
  • Thank you for replying :) I think I put to much pressure on myself... I had 3 kids in 4 years and I was really thin before... I don't want to go back that far (95 pounds) but at least being more fit and having more strenght... Would be nice :P