Lacking Motivation

So before Christmas I was working out every day and lost 10 pounds, I slacked off and seemed to have fell off the wagon and can't find the motivation to get back on it. I know I need to lose weight and I enjoy exercise and eating healthy I just can't seem to find something to motivate me to get back into it.

Any one have any tips or things that they do to keep themselves from giving up?


  • I don't have any brilliant quotes for you but I can offer my commiseration. I've been trying to find a routine again myself. Getting back into the swing of things is the hardest part....
  • tiffanyslean
    tiffanyslean Posts: 4 Member
    I have to agree...just gonna have to try to stick it out I am attempting to get through Focus T25 just finished day 1 of week 1 have 10 weeks to go in total...seems daunting almost lol
  • How do you get into a routine? I've been trying to work out forever, but I've never really been an active person, and I'm sick of it. I have horrible sleeping issues, so I usually work out at night time.. I can't get into a routine though, I always put off working out until it's too late. Any tips?
  • trainerwannabe
    trainerwannabe Posts: 28 Member
    It looks like you came out of the gate at full speed. Cut yourself some slack and make a promise to workout 3x/week for a couple of months and then go from there. Maybe also try some different classes - even ones that make your tummy "flip" before you've even tried it - you might just find another challenge that you love.

    What works for me is looking in the mirror every morning with "Do or do not, there is no try." taped to it. The image of my still overweight body staring back at me usually does the trick! And "even the worst workout EVER is still better than no workout at all".

    Unfortunately there is no "magic energy" that comes in and motivates you. Because believe me there are days that I would rather have my eye teeth pulled out instead of going to the gym :wink: ... you just have to follow through on the promises you made to yourself.

    You want this...You can do this!
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Find a disgusting picture of yourself! A photo that you don't want to look like!! Print it off and put it up (in the kitchen if a good place)!

    Whenever you want to pig out, don't want to go to the gym or go to eat out of boredom, go look at that picture and say "if I eat this junk or don't go to the gym I will always look like that! And never be better"

    I have out a photo of me at my fattest and a photo of me slimmer by my mirror!
    Under the fat one it says "do you want your New Zealand photos to look like this?" (I'm travelling) and under the slim one it says "if you want to look like this again, do it!"

    Also quotes " good things come to those who work their *kitten* off"
    "One pound at a time"
    "Dnt put in 1/2 the effort if your not ok with 1/2 of the results"

    I have these quotes printed out and around my mirror also. So when I'm getting dressed and ready in the morning I read them and feel motivated to put extra effort in at the gym, make healthy choices in the kitchen and eat at a deficit!

    Hope this may have helped a little :)! x
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Oh and "every morning you have to wake u and tell yourself 'I can do this'"!

    How could I forget my 4th quote haha x
  • tiffanyslean
    tiffanyslean Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys I will have to try some of those ! I want to lose those pounds :):) I will find a way to stay motivated and keep at it.. Just gonna take it one day at a time I will eventually reach my goal...