Starting to get serious

Hey guys,

My name is Payton. I live in the wonderful state of Florida. I am 24 and I work as a 911 dispatcher. I have never really had healthy habits in my life and I want to change that. I have always been scared to start eating more healthy because I do not know how to cook at ALL! (A sad truth) this combined with a very sedimentary lifestyle have led to a lot of years of bad habits. The last few days I began looking for something....anything really where I could start to make these life changes. I am not looking for weird or crazy diet or workout program. Just looking to be more healthy (and with that loose weight) I have been on the site before but have never really took the time to look at the forums. This seems to be a great community and I was truly inspired by the stories I read. Though I would post to say hey and to kind of "sign" the contract I am making with myself. If you guys have any suggestions on where to start or any kind of advice or tips I would love to hear them. Look forward to talking to some of you!


  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Good luck! I think you possess the attitude to help yourself. Now, just go and take a cooking class and you will do FINE!
  • Thank you
  • MzNurse6870
    MzNurse6870 Posts: 35 Member
    yes good luck. you can do it
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    You've already got the right attitude - good luck :smile:
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    Cocking isn't hard once you get started! I would recommend picking up a "5 ingredient" type recipe book to get you started. Things like chicken are really easy (just make sure you cook it all the way through!) to cook in many different ways. Add some simple boiled broccoli and microwave rice and you've got yourself a super easy super healthy meal :)