weight fluctuations

Does weight flactuates through the day? I normally weigh in the mornings but I switched it up at night and to my dismay I weighed 7lbs more! There's is no way I can gain the lbs back since I've been watching what I eat, exercise and drink plenty of fluids...Can anyone explain.... thanks.


  • seansocal
    seansocal Posts: 13 Member
    A lot of factors influence your weight throughout the day: sodium, food in your digestive tract, water weight. It is best to weigh yourself under consistent conditions, as it is very normal for your weight to + or - throughout the day.
  • tarahs
    tarahs Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you!
  • NewMsT
    NewMsT Posts: 33
    I read somewhere that weight can fluctuate between 5 - 7 pounds each day for women due to water retentions, hormones, etc. Tons of reasons. That's why it's best to weight at the same time each time.

    Most people say before breakfast with as few clothes as possible ;)

    Also, some people choose to weigh during the week as we tend to be more observant of what we eat during the week but slide a little on the weekends. I know this is true for me!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Yep, it's normal. I'm typically up about 5 lbs from morning to night. So is day to day. Just from three days of morning weigh ins I've gone from 115.6-118.2, then back down to 116.4 this morning. Anymore, if I weigh every day, I base it on a weekly average and kind of note a trend.