Need At Home Exercises

I've seen a few different shows and even my Dad told me a long time ago that something as simple as a soup can is a great free weight if you lift it correctly. I've also used full vinegar bottles for actual lifting. Is it worth spending the time to do this?

A small problem I have is that the exercises and cardio I do on my Wii U system don't burn many calories. Either other exercises claim to burn way more calories than they really do or I'm simply SoL. Is there something that consistently burns 200 calories or more in 30 minutes that I can do at home WITHOUT involving our squeaky stairs?


  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
  • ive heard that water bottles are good so im sure soup would be fine, try youtube they have loadsa different things on there for exercise
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Oh yeah, I always forget about Youtube. It has more things than League of Legends and sleeping kitten farts...
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I started out with cans of mushy peas. It definitely helped me start to build some strength and got me ready for heavier things.
  • I'm not sure what your budget is like but I like Jillian can get her DVD's at walmart.....very inexpensive....I have Ripped in 30 and I've heard that 30 Day Shred is good too.....she also has a couple that focus on abs......if you are able to invest a bit of money....try and have a look at the programs that they have....I have Brazil Butt only need 5-8lb weights, 5lb ankle weights and a yoga mat for that DVD program.....p90x is good too.....I also have Chalean Extreme from as well....I did Wii sports active for a while and then I invested in Brazil Butt Lift.....I still love all the workouts on that DVD.....I would recommend that one for of luck and feel free to add me....I'm on here every day......:)
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I have found several exercise routines on the website:

    It's set up like a blog so you have to scroll through the entries to find the exercise videos, but I have found good arm and leg ones. I bet if you do a more specific google search for things like "fit sugar arms" or "fit sugar inner thigh" you'll be able to find the videos more easily than simply scrolling through the home page.

    These routines are usually about 6-10 minutes each, focus on a target area, and require no equipment. The arm ones do sometimes want you to have 3-5 lb weights, but you could definitely use water bottles or cans of veggies for that instead. They also say that even doing the movements without any weight is ok. I go to a class at my gym, too, that does the same kinds of exercises, but it's an hour long class. the instructor there also says that if the light weights are too much, doing it without the weights is OK - so I think that moving and working on building range of motion and strength is all good, even if it feels like you're not "pumping iron!" ha.

    I don't know about the calorie burn on each of these routines - I typically don't add the calories in from non-cardio exercising so I'm not really the right person to answer THAT question for you.