TDEE help??

I hve been going off of MFP recomindations for calories and then putting in my excercise. MFP was only giving me 1200 calories (plus I add in for nursing) I do an hour workout 5 days a week and every pretty healthy. Fruits, veggies, chicken, popcorn and have a cheat night.
I am not going anywhere with this the weight is sticking around and so are the inches.

So I am looking to fix this and this I need new recommendations for my intake.
Looking at some other post I think I have it figured out but want to make sure because I am not quite sure which is correct.

My BMR is 1263

According to Fat2fitradio: TDEE is 2006 if I ssubtract the 20% for what I need to lose I get 1605
According to iifym: TDEE is 1791 minus the 20% is 1433

Which would be more accurate? Both asked for my BF% which I calculated and entered.

After I figure out which is right, am I too aim for the TDEE # and be sure not to go under 1263? And also continue to recalculate after weight loss milestones?

Also with me nursing (baby gets 2 bottles a day plus a jar of food so I have been entering that) do I still enter the nursing calories to get that back putting me over the TDEE? Or eat the TDEE and no more?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    so eat betweeen 1433 and 1605...1525 maybe.

    And if you are doing TDEE that is eat back nursing calories only...not exercise.

    Breast feeding is negative intake calories...
  • JimiB73
    JimiB73 Posts: 34
    so eat betweeen 1433 and 1605...1525 maybe.

    And if you are doing TDEE that is eat back nursing calories only...not exercise.

    Breast feeding is negative intake calories...

    Agree with this. Eat 1500 and track progress from there.
    Thank you now maybe I can start getting some where.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I presume you eat back your exercise calories?
    Do you use MFP to calculate them?

    Often MFP over-estimates by quite a lot, so if you're eating back based on MFP, it may well be that you're not losing because you're eating too much overall from that.
    I have ate back no more than half (if that) for fear that I will go over without knowing it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    That sounds reasonable.
    Your diary isn't open so we can't see details - do you weigh all your food and so on?
    I don't weigh I measure out. I actually think I may be my nursing a baby making it really slow. I eat extra calories for him and I know from my past two babies I have the awesome luck of it making it harder rather than dropping like crazy. I am impatient. I go down a bit each week just not much. But I stress myself out when other mothers drop the baby weight so fast.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Weighing is more accurate - well, if you've got ok digital scales at least. (And by ok the ones that cost me £5 from the supermarket were within a gram or two of the postoffice calibrated ones.)
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    So sorry to hijack, but wanted to say that I'm in a bit if a muddle over the whole "TDEE includes your exercise calories" thing.

    When I calculated mine, I did so using the "sedentary" setting - i.e I have a desk job, and other than walking to and from the car park and around the buildings, I don't factor in any regular exercise to the calculation.

    I'm female, 5'3", 201 lbs and aged 41, so that gives me (from memory) a TDEE of just under 2000. I went for an "aggressive" 25% deficit, so I eat 1500 cals per day.

    If I exercise, however - mostly long periods of brisk walking - I use an HRM, subtract my BMR from the total cals figure it tells me I've burned, and I eat mostly all of those back - so regardless, I net 1500 cals per day.

    I've been doing this for 15 weeks, and I've lost 20lbs so far. On that basis I figure that what I'm doing is fine...but, have I messed it up somewhere? I thought that if I factored in no exercise to the calculation, that gives me the scope to eat back what I earn when I do move a little, right??

    I saw someone once say not to mix up the MFP method and the TDEE method...

    Anyway, once again sorry to hijack OP. Just typed it out while it was on my mind!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the total you burn in a day.

    If you set the calories burnt on TDEE in MFP for sedentary, then as you are doing, any extra calories burnt should be added in manually.

    When people talk about the "TDEE method", they're generally meaning that they don't bother working out exercise calories separately and have that all in their TDEE
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the total you burn in a day.

    If you set the calories burnt on TDEE in MFP for sedentary, then as you are doing, any extra calories burnt should be added in manually.

    When people talk about the "TDEE method", they're generally meaning that they don't bother working out exercise calories separately and have that all in their TDEE

    Ok, cool...thank you. Just wanted to validate that I wasn't completely missing the point somewhere!!