Looking for friends

Hey everyone! My name is Kirstie and I've used myfitnesspal before but looking to stay more motivated now. Been using my new fitbit activity tracker for 3 weeks and counting calories and have lost 4.5lbs in 3 weeks. Nothing major, but slow and steady! I'm 21 and a university student in England. I'm 5ft 7 tall and my starting weight was 20st 9lbs. My current weight is 20st 4.5lbs. I've just bought fitbit scales too so now even more motivated and my ultimate goal weight is 10st 10lbs. In 2010, when i just turned 18 I developed health anxiety and panic disorder. I was 15st 2lbs at the time (still massively overweight) but then i became terrified of going outside and scared if i even walked upstairs i'd have a heart attack. I've been on medication for the last 4 years but just came off and really want to get my body as healthy as i have managed to get my mind. Hoping i have the willpower to stick to it this time and looking for friends to join me on my journey. :)


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    you can do this you just need the right friends, mind set, motivation and determination to keep the momentum going, feel free to ad me
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me im a gr8 supporter
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    Sending you a request - looking to get re-motivated on mfp after a bit of a break
    We can help each other!