Dressing for the body you have NOW

I've been reading a lot of articles about this topic lately. I have to admit that I'm guilty of avoiding shopping because I want to "wait until I've lost the weight." As a result, I'm stuck with frumpy, worn and trendless clothes. I'd love to subscribe to the philosophy of dressing for what I've currently got--who doesn't love a new jacket or top?? But how much is too much to buy for now? Any particular pieces that are "must-haves" for each size you transition through? I just think that a lifestyle change will be that much more powerful and long-lasting if I can start feeling good about myself right now as opposed to waiting for a dieting benchmark. I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  • soozy_q
    soozy_q Posts: 56 Member
    I am guilty of this. I buy the cheapest work clothes I can find and have other old clothes from a uk size 8 to 18 so I can just start wearing those again. I'm saving for a trip so I don't really care how awful I look at the moment as there is other stuff going on in my life. Will hopefully be at my goal in a year then I am going to go on one mental shopping spree :smile:
  • indunna
    indunna Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a big believer in always having 1 outfit I feel good in now. I plan to get a new bra, jeans, and fitted shirt every 15 lbs or so. I find it gives me a boost and motivates me to keep working toward my goals.
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    I have set myself a budget of $50 for any one item of clothing (apart from special events), whether it be jeans, work clothes or weekend wear.

    I will buy clothes only to replace what no longer fits and then replace again when I need to. For example, my work pants started falling down, so I bought some new ones..

    Every 10 kgs or so I will go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff at once, but only stuff on sale. I cant remember the last time I bought something full price!
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Look for good sales or shop at thrift stores. I always like to have a nice fitting pair of jeans.
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    I'm a casual dresser anyway, but the jeans are always a 'must' for me. Rather than buy a ton of new ones, I just just buy a couple of pairs while I lose and plan on a nice shopping spree when I hit my goal. As for shirts, I'm all for a fit I like with a nice neckline.
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    Ha, very timely spotting this because I was just walking through my office and a colleague commented "you always have nice tops". Which is ironic because the top I'm wearing today I bought from an op shop (thrift shop) yesterday for $6. Like others I've been rapidly growing out of clothes and left feeling frumpy and unattractive but just cannot afford to keep replacing my wardrobe while I'm still working towards goal!

    Yesterday's bargain was 6 tops for $48 and that will keep me going for another couple of months probably.
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    I invested in a good belt, and that gets me a little more use out of my clothes (tightens pants, cinches dresses).

    I only have a few more inches left to lose, and I'm saving for a European holiday (where I'm sure to buy a heap of clothing) so I'm trying extra hard not to purchase anything.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    I buy almost everything from thrift stores or if I buy anything new then it is from the clearance racks. The only thing I spend money on now is workout clothes. Thrift stores have tons of newer stuff, you just have to look for it. Can't tell the difference!