Ready to make a change

Hi everyone! My name is Jeanine and I am new to Myfitnesspal. I joined after having a breakdown a week ago when I was about ready to leave the house for work when I spilled a candle all over my only pair of pants. I have been steadily gaining weight over the past year and when my "accident" happened I realized I needed to make a change. I have other clothes, but because of the weight gain, I couldn't fit in them anymore. I have never been small by any means, but I would like to be healthier and back down to where I was 4 years ago. I am currently weighing in at 231.8 and my goal weight is 160. This was where I felt happiest. I have invested in a gym membership and a fitbit as well as started to eat healthier. My struggle lies with finding time. I currently go to school during the day and work during evening shift (4pm-1am). My boyfriend of 4 years has been very supportive and I am trying to make a healthier my for myself and he deserves a happy me. I am looking for support and help. I have attempted the weight loss thing in years past, but get burnt out and frustrated. I am hoping it doesn't happen again. I think by having a good support team and a plan I can do it!!!


  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Its all about committing to the change.
    My advice? Log every bite you take. And portion control is super important, so if it means weighing & measuring to get it right, then do it. It's been my experience that MFP is an amazing tool. It's made weight loss / maintenance so much easier than I thought it would be. To me, no food is "bad" (unless it's spoiled or I don't like it), and learning that I can eat what I like in moderation has made this whole process so much easier!

    Sometimes it's really tough carving out the time to go to the gym, but the results are just so great! And if you can't make it one day, you can still take a walk or add some other activity. There's just about anything you can think of in the database!

    You can do this!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you've got your head in the right place! It's all about being ready and wanting to change for your own reasons. Someone once told me that whatever you do.. never lie to the phone (read: MFP). So it all goes in there.. the good, the bad, the ugly and it really does help to see it all written out. There will be highs and lows but you can do it and there are tons of supportive, encouraging people on this site! Add me if you'd like!