MFP veteran looking for a few new friends!!

I'm always looking for new friends to add to the already wonderful group of people I've come in contact with here. Over the last few years that I've been a part of the community I've had the pleasure of witnessing some really incredible journeys and transformations. I couldn't be more happy for and proud of these people. I'd like to see more of you. Are you struggling to get started? Not new to this but you're lacking motivation? Just need a little extra push to help you along the way? I've been there. I'm still there!! I lost 50lbs and kept if off for 2 years. Unfortunately I met my now husband and put the weight back on and then some! I'm starting over again and I would really like some folks to help keep me accountable. I'd like to offer the same in return. I've even started a blog to help me in the process. There I explain my story and I plan on making an entry each week to describe my goals, outcomes, meal ideas, workouts, etc. I hope to be able to help people. I know what it takes and I'm willing to put in the work!! Let's be friends. If you're interested go check out my blog at If you like it give me a follow.I also have an Instagram page where I post transformation pictures, meals, etc. Looking forward to meeting some new and exciting people!!


  • erincricket
    erincricket Posts: 26 Member
    Add me! I'm pretty active and record what I eat daily. I have about 40 lbs to take off. I'm going very slow and avoid the scale, concentrating more on what I can see/measure.
  • You can add me!!. I have wanted to get back into working out but sometimes it's hard because I work night shift. So I can always use some motivation and help because sometimes I am not sure how to go about it because of working nights. I am trying to figure out a plan and stick to it and help and support is always appreciated!! :smile:
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    I rotate shifts. Nights suck. I know the struggle trust me! I do fine when I'm on days but I totally lack energy working night shift.
  • I actually stay on the same sleep schedule which makes it a little easier so my sleep isn't all messed up but it does make it a little harder to work out. I can't always work out at the same time. I am determined to get back on track though.
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 148 Member
    Add me! I'm not logging much right now due to work, school, kid, life in general. But I log in daily to cheer people on.
    Also, once I'm done this semester I'll be back to more regular logging. Have my SIL's wedding coming up where I will be thoroughly judged, I better get cracking!
  • kevinmck13
    kevinmck13 Posts: 1 Member
    kevinmck13. Just started to get back into this. Trying to cut back to 145 pounds or so and get toned in the process. Encouragement helps and I'll be egging everyone else on as well :D
  • Michelleh118
    Michelleh118 Posts: 42 Member
    You can add me if you want to I have been slacking since September last year, and have put back on 10lbs, today is my start over day.
  • You can add me too. Always looking for motivation
  • Hi! I'm brand new to all of this (literally, I signed up on Saturday!). I'm trying to get motivated and even learn what I can/ cannot eat in order to maintain my goal of 1430 calories a day and still have enough energy to get me through the day! I'm not happy with my weight and I definitely want to improve. Having anyone as an accountability partner would be awesome :) I wish you all the luck!!