Fitness Help: Frustrated

I'm 5'11" and began working out 5 months go at 300 lbs. I am currently 286 lbs and am having trouble losing fat from my stomach area. I am currently on a stack that includes multivitamin, fish oil, anadrox pump n burn, bcaa. Some days, I drink a pre workout Xplode.

I workout at least 5 times a week for about 2-3 hours a day. I alternate days between weight training my legs/upperbody, but try to always end with an hour of cardio.

On days I lift, I try to do at least 4 machines/free weight exercises that focus on my back/biceps/chest/triceps. 4 sets, 11 reps each. I try to max my weight out on the 4th set.

On days I weight train my legs, I do at leat 5 machines, 4 sets, 11 reps each. I max out on the 4th set. On these days, I do about 180 sit ups split among 4 sets.

For my cardio, I usually do an hour on the elliptical. I alternate forward pedalling and backward pedalling every 10 minutes. I fluctuate between levels 11-14 the entire time. On days I get bored of this, I'll do 30 minutes of stair master and 30 minutes on a stationary bike.

After months, my legs are really defined now, I have high endurance, and my upper body has definition as well. I'm having trouble losing weight in my stomach area and I'm really frustrated over it. Starting at a heavy weight and want to have muscle mass as well as lose weight has me confused on whether or not I should be operating at a deficit or eating at a surplus.

Eating wise, every day I drink a cup of milk for breakfast, snack on fruit/rice cakes/veggies all day and have one complete meal around 4-5 pm. I often feel like I need to eat more so some days my one meal ends up having a lot of bad calories.

I want this to be a lifestyle change but I can't figure out the right combination to get to the goals I want. Any constructive comments would be greatly appreciated.


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Can't see your diary so that would help BUT have you lost weight at all? You can't target areas, you may be one of those people who lose weight in their abdominal area slowest/last. You also may be working out too much... 2-3 hours a day seems a bit excessive for weight loss and your body might be trying to preserve the fat (tho if you're eating right there should stil be a loss)... what you eat can make a difference in abdominal fat as well.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    How much weight have you lost total? I would expect belly fat (if this is where you tend to accumulat fat) to be the last to go.
  • aaespino
    aaespino Posts: 4
    I wrote this on my phone so I apologize for all the errors. The second sentence should say "I am currently 268 lbs and currently." Yes, I've lost a little over 30 lbs so far.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    Congrats on the current loss! Please open up your food diary, if you'd like assistance.
  • aaespino
    aaespino Posts: 4
    I'm new to all of this :-(. I'm assuming a food diary documents everything I eat? I never had one before but will keep one here on out.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    So, you have lost about 10% so far? I would expect this to start showing at your face first and your clothes should be starting to feel more loose by now, no? Be patient.
  • aaespino
    aaespino Posts: 4
    Yes, that is correct. I feel so much better health wise but I know there's a lot more that needs to go.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Most people store fat around their middle, I've lost 70lbs and I still have fat around my tummy. It will go down. Measure it now and measure it in a month, you'll see the number go down.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Absolutely great progress! The midsection will be the last to go. (like everyone else is saying) Don't fret, just continue to sweat. :drinker:
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Hey! Glad I saw this post before logging off! Congrats on the weight you lost! Your doing a great job keep it up! I feel like your getting burnt out A little bit. First off if your hungry eat! Don't ever try to only eat 1000 calories. As long as it fresh healthy food your okay your not going to gain weight. Meaning, veggies fruit, eggs, meats. Try getting more protein in your diet. Shoot for 200 grams of protein a day. That is key if your getting enough protein everything else should balance out meaning your carbs and such. Try changing your workout routine. I get bored really easily. I Like going to the gym, but I also like to change it up. I love TurboFire! Its a beachbody workout. They have plenty more programs. The reason why I do them is because its someone talking you through reaching your goals. Saying your doing a good job, and to keep going. Keep going to the gym, but check out the programs to see what you think! Take a multi vitamin fish oil is great. I would also recommended taking Iodine. It helps with your thyroid and hormones. Its just like a vitamin. If you need any more advice please feel free to email me My advice is free, also check out the programs to see what you think. My facebook page I just started to jaysway2Bhealthy same as my instagram name. I would check out the book also Its called 'It starts with Food" Honestly any fat you have will go away with a good healthy diet. Trust me! I could be way further with my results if I had a great healthy diet! The book teaches you a lot about the foods we eat and what foods do what for your body. Keep going and stay strong! Don't hesitate to message me with any other questions. Hope that helps<3