Help!how can i increase calories burnt?



  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I second the suggestion to focus a little bit more on your nutrition and food intake. I took a quick peek at your diary and agree that a food scale would be a good idea if you don't already use one. Be careful using the Quick Add Calories feature. Even if you're accurately tracking your calories, you're not accurately tracking your macros when you use that feature often. Your protein macro looks consistently SUPER low, but that may not be the case if those Quick Add Calories items had protein.
  • kinni101
    kinni101 Posts: 38
    on a website it says my TDEE is

  • kinni101
    kinni101 Posts: 38
    Sorry i was updating my ticker as it went to back to basics

    i weighed 205- now 202 want to be 130 pounds
  • kinni101
    kinni101 Posts: 38
    I second the suggestion to focus a little bit more on your nutrition and food intake. I took a quick peek at your diary and agree that a food scale would be a good idea if you don't already use one. Be careful using the Quick Add Calories feature. Even if you're accurately tracking your calories, you're not accurately tracking your macros when you use that feature often. Your protein macro looks consistently SUPER low, but that may not be the case if those Quick Add Calories items had protein.

    thank you
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    As others have pointed out MFP goals take into account caloric deficit to lose,. If however you want to be certain look at some of the other calculators and adapt. get your TDEE and then work backwards (I set myself as sedentary as I have a desk job and then eat back at least half the calories i earn from exercise - it's sort of like rewarding myself for doing the right thing for my health lol - I'm not fooling anyone except myself I could just as easily have done a detailed breakout to get my truest TDEE and then subtracted 1000 calories to get my 2 pound goal - either way they are withing 50 or so calories of one another)
    Also loss is not linear I have had 1 pound weeks and 3 pound weeks but over the 12 weeks since January 3rd (when I started before MFP) I am averaging a little over 2 pounds per week
    It's getting harder (my TDEE has gone down as I weigh less - you need to review it regularly - say monthly)
    My exercise levels are going up though (Funny that it's easier as time goes on and I can do more intense exercise or longer)

    Last though it looks like you are weighing everything I can't stress how much everything down to the condiments and water needs to be measured/Weighed/Tracked for accuracy

    EDIT I'll add it doesn't really look like you are tracking correctly - one day at lunch you have yourself eating 1/5 an ounce 15 grams of Grilled Chicken Breast - that is one bite or less Typical boneless skinless breast portions are 4-6 ounces (I buy food as part of my job - a 3 ounce serving would be a small appetizer size kebob) and 40 grams of mixed veg would be a couple of mouthfuls at best the same lunch - the rice 50 grams post cooking is also quite a tiny serving - lunch that day showed 85 calories - most apples have more than that
  • kinni101
    kinni101 Posts: 38
    Hi Eddie, thanks for replying.

    Some days i have small meals like that one. I have been feeling under the weather so i have a bite to eat literally including that. but i will scan everything now instead quick add calories and will try that link thank you for replying means alot!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member

    This may help you calculate your BMR & TDEE. Are you using a HRM when you work out? If not I highly recommend getting one with a chest strap because MFP over estimates in some cases as do the machines at the gym. May help you be more certain of your calories burned.
  • kinni101
    kinni101 Posts: 38

    This may help you calculate your BMR & TDEE. Are you using a HRM when you work out? If not I highly recommend getting one with a chest strap because MFP over estimates in some cases as do the machines at the gym. May help you be more certain of your calories burned.

    Hiya thank you for your message. I am thinking of getting one but the price is putting me of!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Hi Eddie, thanks for replying.

    Some days i have small meals like that one. I have been feeling under the weather so i have a bite to eat literally including that. but i will scan everything now instead quick add calories and will try that link thank you for replying means alot!

    and grab a scale just scanning packages doesn't work always (they work to averages) as an example I had a piece of peameal the other day and it weighed less than the average on the package so was in reality less calories, but the bread i had it on was a lot more than the package average, net i was actually higher than the packaging overall
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I weigh and measure everything and it helps. The other day I was shocked how small a cup of cooked pasta was!! I find the healthier I eat as well the better weight comes off - try to stay away from salt and have fruits and veggies make up a good part of your diet. i struggle with that as I hate fruit but do try to eat as many veggies as I can. Good Luck!!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Weighing everything is really key. Even something like an apple. If you look in MFP, it will say 1 medium apple is 80 calories. The weight of that apple is about half what the apples I buy in the store weigh. So if I have an entire apple, I need to log two servings. An example going the other way, I recently had a package that said one serving was 220g and the package contained about 2.5 servings. However the package was labeled as a 340g package. When I weighed the contents it was about 290g. Rather than logging 2.5 servings, I was able to log 1.3 servings.

    Quick add of calories is very risky. Studies have shown that most people under estimate the calories in food they are eating. Even if the food isn't in the database do your best to find a reasonable analog.

    On the other side of the equation is the calories burned. I have found for anything except walking on a treadmill that the MFP numbers are much larger than what my HRM shows. Also exercise equipment shows more than my HRM shows.

    So if you are under estimating your food and over estimating your exercise, you have a much smaller deficit than you think you do. Once you get an accurate handle on your deficit, your body doesn't work like a machine. Some weeks you will lose less than your deficit predicts, and other weeks you will lose more.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Sorry i was updating my ticker as it went to back to basics

    i weighed 205- now 202 want to be 130 pounds

    at 205 I was eating between 1500 and 1800 calories per day and losing consistently weekly. I was not doing anything vigorous - Just Zumba at the time burning maybe 300 calories each day.

    Honestly - eat more! :) I dont know why it works but it does!! I lost the majority of my weight eating 1550 calories per day..back then I was averaging 5-6 pounds per month. It has slowed now but I am also close to goal
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member

    This may help you calculate your BMR & TDEE. Are you using a HRM when you work out? If not I highly recommend getting one with a chest strap because MFP over estimates in some cases as do the machines at the gym. May help you be more certain of your calories burned.

    Hiya thank you for your message. I am thinking of getting one but the price is putting me of!

    I hear that! I don't have a high dollar one, but I had a 20% off from ****'s and splurged. It was about $50, but I feel like if its going to help me its worth it! Amazon, Ebay also may be good options.

    EDIT: Even if you don't get a HRM, just calculate your TDEE -20% and stick with this number. Don't need to worry about your exercise calories then because its already in the goal number.