What does it feel like to truly like how you look?

I struggle with this so much... I have an idea of what I look like in my head (which is honestly not bad), but I get so disappointed when I look in the mirror. I wish I could just love and accept what I see, but there's always something that makes me cringe.

Has anyone gotten over this aversion to the mirror? What did it take?

I've been struggling to lose weight (even with a personal trainer and health coach) for my whole life, and I feel like if I got to my target weight, my self image would improve. Or is it not that easy? I've heard that women are never happy with their bodies, but I would really like to love my body some day... HELP!


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    it feels amazing.

    it does wonders for yourself- your cofindence how you behave and how your bedroom life is.

    When you love how you look it makes a difference.

    But you can't love how you look ALL the time- everyone has fat days- everyone has bad downer days. I'm bulking right now- and my fat jeans turned into my skinny jeans- turned into my cant' wear them at all jeans.

    So depressing.

    Some times I hate it- sometimes I love it- but I press on with the goal and know people care about me either way- and I'm okay because I'm strong and talented and it's getting there.

    it's okay to not be perfect all the time- but rock the hell out of it when you are feeling on the up and up. And stop staring in the mirror so much- i get really bent when I get caught looking to long- I start really focusing on the negatives. So limit that and it may help!

  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I've been struggling to lose weight (even with a personal trainer and health coach) for my whole life, and I feel like if I got to my target weight, my self image would improve. Or is it not that easy? I've heard that women are never happy with their bodies, but I would really like to love my body some day... HELP!

    When I got to my lowest weight ever, I still saw the flaws and things I wanted to "fix". I regained some of my weight (both in muscle and in fat) an I'm happier with my body now than I was then. It's all in your head. Reaching some magical "goal weight" doesn't automatically fix what society and our upbringing and personal insecurities have broken in our minds. The fix begins inside, teaching yourself to value your body for more than just how it looks in the mirror, or in clothes. I've learned to focus on valuing my strength, my kinesthetic abilities (running joyfully outdoors, swooping down the face of a wave with a perfect popup, balancing bareback as a horse gallops us up a hill, lifting a particularly heavy weight or just refilling the Alahambra dispenser without issue, etc.) find what you value in your body, and revel in it.

    Eventually you'll catch sight of your reflection, and love that too.
  • I can completely relate to your post. I too have an image in my mind of how I THINK I look. I have been utterly SHOCKED at times when trying on clothes in a store-three way, or pics. I have recently decided that I have to work on this "love of my body as IS" and resist the idea that "I will love my body WHEN." So, here is my plan:

    - be grateful that I have a body that works and is not ill
    - concentrate on all of the wonderful things my body does to take good care of me and the life I live

    If I begin each day with these comments, thoughts and self talk - maybe I will right the imbalance in my ability to accept things as they are. That does NOT mean I should not continue striving for a healthier me.

    I am sending you warm wishes and hope that you find your stride.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member

    this is how i usually feel.... except for TOM.
  • Great response!
  • joewtug1
    joewtug1 Posts: 10
    You mentioned in your post looking in the mirror and getting to your goal weight. Both are measures of where you are at with your fitness goals but they do not directly correspond with each other. Let the mirror be your best judge and the scale as an aid. When you hit your goal weight it doesn't automatically give you the physique you desire.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    When I started to accept me for me I was able to actually start losing weight seriously. I let go of the negative and started to like me. Then I started to want to do things just for me. You are beautiful right now. :flowerforyou:
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    When I started to accept me for me I was able to actually start losing weight seriously. I let go of the negative and started to like me. Then I started to want to do things just for me. You are beautiful right now. :flowerforyou:

    ^^^ I found its a nice circle.. once I accepted my body it was easier to lose weight and then I started loving my body
    and then you stay active because you love your body...
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the advice, everyone! Maybe I'll just get rid of my mirror for a while... that seems to be my biggest issue! I feel good, so that's how I look! :)