Healthy before 30!

stephkuch Posts: 152 Member
Hello all! This isn't my first go-around with this. I am looking for support to get me through this journey. I have struggled with weight for years. It definitely didn't get any easier after marriage and children. In October, I was diagnosed with PCOS so I've got that piled on top of the extra weight :( I'm going to be 30 in 2 years and I just want to be healthy. I want to be a healthy weight and I want to feel good again! Looking to lose 50-60ish pounds. Do-able? I sure hope so! Anyhow, I would love some new friends to join me and help me through this!


  • kb1927
    kb1927 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am in the same boat--I have struggled with healthy habits for years, and marriage and kids does make it tougher. I have tried MFP half-heartedly before, but I'm trying to make an effort to connect with others to support and encourage so that there is a little more incentive for sticking with it. I am working on a mini goal to lose 30 pounds before I turn 30 in June, and I have about 30 to go after that.

    50-60 pounds is definitely doable! You've got this :)
  • rebelduck
    rebelduck Posts: 11 Member
    It better be doable, because I'm going to do it too! :)
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    At least your trying again! keep trying till you get it! You can do it!!!
    Message me with any questions or need help let me know

    Here are some tips!
    Find a gym or a program that you like.
    Make sure you organize your kitchen. Okay lets face it. If I had candy and cookies in my kitchen I would be eating it! Make sure you surround yourself with good choices.
    Dont weigh yourself all the time
    Make sure you go by how you feel how you your clothes feel
    Dont say you want to loose this much weight never ever put a number on it!
    This is your new lifestyle your new journey.
    Your doing this to be healthy! To be happy to show your kids how to do the same!
    Good luck to you like I said Im here if you need any other tips.
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 27 and am ready to rock my goal weight before 30. I have about 60lbs to lose too and just restarted this week!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Me too!!! I am 27 (28 in Sept). Want to be the healthiest I ever been in my 30s!
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Hey, you can add me! I've lost 50, maybe losing another 20. I have no idea! It's definitely quite the struggle but it's doable! :)
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Hey, I'm not sure if it helps any, but I'm trying to get fit before 40! So you've got a whole ten years to enjoy yourself before you have to start worrying like me.
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    HI! I'm 26 very soon 27 and i definitively want to be healty and looking good before i'm 30. Feel free to add me!
    I lost 45 pounds since christmas (only 5 since I joined my fitness pal) and i start to feel the need for friend with who i can talk about all of that.My real life friend are starting to get tired of me talking about food and protein and vitamins and exercises :)
  • kerndog87
    kerndog87 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat I am soon to be 27 and I would like to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle by the time I turn 30. Feel free to add me.