Calculated my macros but they look incorrect?

Hi all,
So I calculated my macros based on this thread: by Emma-Leigh. My body weight 89.4 kg, and my LBM is 62.58 kg.

After calculating many times, I had my BMR at 2583, and subtracted 20%, lowering it down to ~2066.
Then I calculated macros:
Protein: 178.8 g *4 = 715 cals
Fats: 89.4 g *9 = ~805 cals
Carbs: 2066-(805+715) = 546 cals

I'm trying to lower body fat %, I'm in the gym 7 days/week with 4 days of cardio and 3 days of lifting (All Pro's Starting Strength). I feel like my carbs are way too low? Or is this sufficient? If anyone has any input that'd be great :]


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Here is a link that may be of help

    there is a section for macros there.

    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    The fat seems quite high to me. as a minimum try and get 0.35-0.4 grams per lb of body weight or which would be 69-78grams or 620-702 cals from fat, for protein a minimum of 0.8grams per lb of lean body mass, or even 0.8grams per lb of goal weight could be used if you don't know your BF%, or 1.76 grams per KG of goal body weight. fill the rest in with carbs, use the fat and protein as minimums and carbs as a max.

    So an LBM 62.5KGs would give you 110 grams protein as a minimum
    or 440 cals from protein.
    So would of 2066 that would give you:
    22% protein (440/2066), I would suggest setting it at 25%
    30%- 34% fat (620-702/2066), could set at 35%
    and remainder as carbs 40%
  • bc673
    bc673 Posts: 5
    The fat seems quite high to me. as a minimum try and get 0.35-0.4 grams per lb of body weight or which would be 69-78grams or 620-702 cals from fat, for protein a minimum of 0.8grams per lb of lean body mass, or even 0.8grams per lb of goal weight could be used if you don't know your BF%, or 1.76 grams per KG of goal body weight. fill the rest in with carbs, use the fat and protein as minimums and carbs as a max.

    So an LBM 62.5KGs would give you 110 grams protein as a minimum
    or 440 cals from protein.
    So would of 2066 that would give you:
    22% protein (440/2066), I would suggest setting it at 25%
    30%- 34% fat (620-702/2066), could set at 35%
    and remainder as carbs 40%

    Thank you!!! :)