Running (Newbs) or those that once were!

I'm a running newbie - just completed C25K W1 D2, and I'm looking for new friends! I am hoping to connect with others who are just starting out on their running journey, or those who now call themselves runners (but may have started out not being able to run more than a couple blocks.) Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking for more support and encouragement.



  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Former newbie, but been running for several years now. I had no intention of every turning into a runner, hated it at first, couldn't even get through 5 minutes, and now I start getting crazy without it. Not running at the moment due to recent ankle surgery :sad: but living vicariously through my runner friends and eager to get back out there as soon as possible.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I've added you! I am a total newbie. Just did Week 1 Day 3 of C25K.
  • LaurenMariex33
    I just did week 1 day 1! I'll add you!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    There's a group for c25k-ers here on the boards, check it out.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I started running many years ago because of my sisters. It wasn't a pretty sight and I could barely make it around the block. I stopped running for a while and now I've been getting back into it. I'll be running a 5k in April. Feel free to add me! :)
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    I still consider myself a noob. I still for the most part suck at running, but I'm getting better. When I started, it was impossible to run for .1 miles. That's POINT 1. Just couldn't do it. I've worked my way up to running about a mile and a half now and I signed up for a half marathon in October. Absolutely insane, but that's how I work. LOL
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I started C25k at the end of October, finished it in early February, and am now on my way to training for a 10k - I'm running about 4.5 miles at present, when I could barely run two-tenths of a mile 6 months ago!
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    I started in the spring (June) of last year with the C25K app. I wrestled with that (it has bugs that start a few weeks that persist to the end) and AccuTrainer (lets you train by time or by distance) and by the end I think I had switched to just using RunKeeper because it supports custom training plans and has the audio alerts, will let you control your music and cut in for the announcements.

    With the C25K training, there were some key things I had to learn. (1) I wish I'd learn sooner then week three that running is so much about regulating breathing. You start with that, and don't work your body any more then what you can handle from the amount of oxygen you can process. The only exceptions to this are sprints, and the final finish of a race where you're bound to exceed your thresholds. (2) Don't push yourself too hard. I got so excited about running at the beginning that I ran like a mile continuous in week 2 when my body, and particularly my knees, weren't prepared for it. I endured a continual nagging knee pain for the coming weeks until I wisened up and did some of my training on an elliptical to reduce the impact making it worse. (3) Shoes shoes shoes are uber important. Properly fitted. Properly cushioned. Spend the $100 - $120 for a proper pair of shoes at a running store. And depending on the brand, you may want custom insoles as well (not Dr. Scholls - think FootBalance) that could round out your costs to about $200. I had been using a pair of 5 year old Nikes during my training. New shoes were a night and day difference in the cushioning. $100-$200 may sound like a lot but it is a miniscule price to pay to take care of your feet, ankles, knees, etc. you name it.

    In August, right after I finished C25K I completed my first race with a time of over 32 minutes. I had lost I think 35 pounds or so from when I started. I did another race in September and the last one I did for the year was at the end of October where my times had gotten down to 26:17!

    I still consider myself a newb as there is much I don't know. I've kept up training through the winter and my goals this year are to do a sub 25 minute 5K, and complete a 50K. To that end, I've gotten my long runs up to 17.5 miles so I'm more then halfway there. At distance though, other issues come into play. What you wear, hydration and fueling become super important, as what you eat influences GI issues. All of that is true for shorter distances as well, just not as pronounced.

    The only other races I've signed up for are a 5K fun run (untimed so Im not focusing on my 25 minute goal for that one), and this morning I signed up for a 10K race that covers the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in November.

    I'd be happy to share my experiences.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Oh I am such a newbie at this one! I have been using the C25k run app and am up to to week 6 where you run in 2 x 10 minute blocks, but it has eluded me. I just switched to running outside (rather than on a treadmill at the gym) but to no avail yet. I have to work harder at it, as I am not automatically good at it, and struggle with it mentally.
    So, I am only just getting fit when it comes to running.
    I am thinking of continuing the c25k but also just staying at the level I need to be. I hope to run 5k continuously by the end of June.
    Happy to be befriended. I am also on a group of people doing c25k here on MFP.
  • kennedyt11
    kennedyt11 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started running outside too, and I'm in the same spot you are. I thought I was going to DIE yesterday. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow because its supposed to be sub-zero tomorrow, but I do know that running outside is a major change from the treadmill. You no longer have the moving belt to help propel you along, you are doing all the work now. Also, you're running on different terrain and weather plays a role too. I want to get back outside, but the weather isn't going to cooperate the next few days. First 5K is May 3. Good luck.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I started running last year for a 5K I signed up for, I tried the apps but I kind of just preferred to try and run as far as I could, which wasn't really far. Like, to the end of the block maybe...but got down to about 40 minutes for a 5K. This year I've only been out twice (I'm not good enough to run in the snow) and I'm thinking of trying a C25K again to try and get better distance, and to NOT feel like I am dying from being out of shape. I'd love to get some better time to, but mainly just trying to get in shape, I cant see myself ever being good enough for a timed race!
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I tried the apps but I kind of just preferred to try and run as far as I could, which wasn't really far. Like, to the end of the block maybe...

    Yeah, I tried that approach, but it only resulted in burnout and feeling terrible about my abilities as a runner. The apps really made a difference for me - kept me from pushing myself *too* hard, if that makes sense?
  • garbagedog
    I'm a running newbie - just completed C25K W1 D2, and I'm looking for new friends! I am hoping to connect with others who are just starting out on their running journey, or those who now call themselves runners (but may have started out not being able to run more than a couple blocks.) Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking for more support and encouragement.


    I just started the C25K program on a treadmill (until the weather is nicer). I'm actually excited to get going; have been wanting to get into running for a while now. Here I am, finally able to get to it!
  • tpm2705
    tpm2705 Posts: 2
    I first started running by using C25K in about 2006 then I lapsed and then three of us have got back into running since October using it. Haven't run for a couple of weeks since I overdid it when my ankle was sore - but it feels better now and so I want to run (I'm really missing it). Good luck - it does work! :smile:
  • AngieSitaAustin
    AngieSitaAustin Posts: 75 Member
    Hi all im a newby again to running. I have just started w5d1 and have signed ug for my first 10k run in August......i must be mad but hay ho. Please feel free to add me, the support would be greatfully received :-)
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I am a "second time around" newbie! :) I did and completed C25K two summers ago and ran in a few 5ks. Life happened and I dropped running (boo!). I'm getting ready to start it up again, so feel free to add me! I'd say running was the most challenging and rewarding things I've ever done!
  • xnancyelizabeth
    xnancyelizabeth Posts: 22 Member
    I only just started C25k today! I've never felt so great, it's been a very long time since I've ran and I'm really going to enjoy doing it through the app each day :-) I have added you, I hope you don't mind :-)
  • winyin
    winyin Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know what c25k is but I started running, or I should say jogging since I dont run really fast, last year then had to quit for awhile, but am back at it. I am running a 5k surviors mud run in June in the Seattle are with a friend. Another friend provided me wth a treadmill training program for beginning runners and I am on week 6 of eight, which means I will walk 1 minute and jog 5 for a total of 30 minutes. It is a 8 week program and once I finish this I got on to the next section finish a 5K. So please add me and also wish me luck. :)

    By the way I was never a running and never really planned to be but I do find myself smiling when I'm done with my 30 minutes, wow who know that would happen.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I'm a "semi" newbie. I've been running now for about 9 months and just did a 5 mile race on Saturday. (I came in LAST out of all the registered runners- there were two walkers behind me!!! :embarassed: ) I just love it though. Yeah, I definitely never thought I would ever LOVE running it just happened!! I'm registered for a half marathon this summer and a full marathon this fall! I think :noway: What is the best compliment a runner can get? "You are crazy". Please feel free to add me to your friend list!
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    I know what you mean about the smiling - today i plucked up the courage to go running - or should i say, a slow jog. I only intended to do 10 laps (2km) but found myself doing perfectly fine and so decided to continue on, ending up doing 21 laps (just over 4km) On a few of the laps i just felt so proud of myself, and was enjoying doing something that i sincerely could never picture myself doing, that i couldn't help but smile :smile: Wednesday i aim to give it another shot!