Hi all!

Due to health problems and crappy eating, I gained 25kg (55lb) since the beginning of 2012, I've decided it's time to get them off. On the 8th of March, I weighed 107kg (235lb), and set a goal of getting as close to 85kg (187lb) by the end of May, because I'm getting married and don't want to look like I do and ruin our wedding day pictures. Ultimately, I'd love to get down to an even healthier weight of 65kg (143lb), but for now, my goal is set to my original weight before I got sick.

I've always been overweight and could never really stick to a healthy diet, but I've been doing well so far and am currently at 103.8kg (228lb)

I've not been doing too well with exercising, as I suffer from a chronic illness, but in the past 2 days have gone for a brisk walk doing around 7km (4.3mi) combined over the two days - I'll try really hard to keep it up.

I'm finding MFP very easy to use and hugely motivating to me and my weight loss journey.


  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Welcome! I think you will like the tools and community you will find here on myfitnesspal (MFP).

    A couple of things that have helped me considerably. First is to use the food/exercise diary like a boss! Seriously, log everything. In fact, I always try to pre-log my food so I don't have to make decisions through out the day or try to remember what I've eaten. I will often do this a couple of days in advance, which also helps with my grocery shopping. Bonus!

    Second, friends. This is my second time around here and I cannot tell you the difference having MFP friends has made in my experience and in my results. I have managed to create a network of wonderfully supportive people who offer encouragement, advice, and truth telling. Sending you a friend request. As you read your news feed and forums and see comments from people who seem to have similar goals and values, send them a friend request. Accept every request you receive. I went super stealth underground my first time around and I believe it was to my detriment. This time my motto is , "The more the merrier!"

    Welcome, welcome, welcome. Best of luck to you.
  • jessicablythe
    jessicablythe Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for your kind welcome, APR!
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome to MFP,
    Keep up the good work you are really focused and determined to achieve your goals, it grate to see someone with that kind of determination
  • jessicablythe
    jessicablythe Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, struggle! I'm feeling very pleased with myself. Am down to 102.9kg (226lb) as of this morning! YAY!