Looking for support! Need to lose 20-25 lbs

Hi all! I'm new here and figured I'd introduce myself and hopefully find a few friends to share the journey with!

I'm a 30 year old female and live in Texas. I recently had a job change and now work from home, which is really tough! It's super isolating and I find myself in the kitchen much more often than I should!

I know what my food "demons" are, but haven't quite defeated them yet. I'm an emotional eater and find it really hard to maintain control when out with friends/date night with the husband, when I'm in a bad mood (or good mood!) or really any other time. I really am my worst enemy and am hoping to find a good support system here to help me through this process!

Food is my passion...I've been to culinary school and now work in the industry, so it's really hard to have self control when I spend 8 hours a day staring at yummy food!

I'd love to meet other folks in similar situations - it's always nice to have folks to share the good days with, and also help support you through the bad ones.

Look forward to meeting you guys!! :smile:


  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    Hi :)

    I live in TX, too. I work full time in an office, so it's a lot easier to keep to a regimented schedule. Weekends are tough, though! When I am home and tempted to eat, there are a few tricks I use:
    - freeze something that will be too difficult to thaw for a quick snack. My hubby loves frozen candy bars - I hate them. So all our candy goes in the freezer. By the time I get one thawed, my craving is gone or it's time for a meal.
    - drink a glass of water before snacking.
    - brush your teeth or use minty mouthwash. Nothing tastes good with that.
    - Turn off the light in the kitchen, especially after dinner. That signals that the kitchen is closed and that room is now no longer an option for entering.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • Heidihall3
    I'm Sally and I'm from England in Sheffield. I too am a emotional eater,so I feel your pain. If I'm feeling hungry I get myself a glass of water or do something to occupy my mind,I usually find the feeling passes after around 10 mins or so. If it doesn't I munch on a cracker,or look at all the brill success stories on here which reboots my determination,and instantly makes me feel better I'm doing something which will enrich my life and health for the better long term x
  • meganshep1403
    I have exactly the same eating habits!!! the worst time for me is at night when i'm relaxing at home after work just seem to snack on anything even when i'm not hungry.
    I can imagine working at home must be so hard!!
    Iv been on the sight for a few week now but only just wrote something today, feeling a bit like i need help as well :)
  • lavcalla
    lavcalla Posts: 3
    Hi all - great to meet you!

    lindzgayle - Thanks for the tips! The brushing thing is a great idea...will give it a go and let you know! I think the water trick is great, too. I've often read that when you think you're hungry, more often than not, you're just thirsty, so it's a good habit to try drinking water and then re-assessing whether you're actually hungry or not.

    Heidihall3 - I find that reading other people's stories helps a lot, too. A lot of folks have overcome really incredible obstacles and that always inspires me to stick with it. Being an emotional eater is so hard...your emotions have a way of completely taking over, but it becomes a bit of a roller coaster ride then, with constant ups and downs.

    Meganshep1403 - thank you for writing on the board! I think it's easier when you have other people to support you. I find that most people in my life aren't going through the same struggles, so although they're sympathetic, they don't always understand. Plus, sometimes I still get embarrassed about my weight issues, so it's easier to find support through a site like this, where I don't feel judged!