What the bloody hell is going on?



  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I don't know about you guys, but when it is described in cups or something along that line on the packaging it came in, right beside it, it has the actual weight in grams. Such as: 1 chicken fillet (100g), which I find immensely helpful. Is that not listed on your food? Same with ground beef, example being regular ground beef is 220 cals per cup i believe, or 5 ounces.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    It takes about 10 minutes out of my day to weigh mine, my wife and my daughters food for the whole 24 hrs. Even if you don't have 10 minutes, just get up 10 minutes earlier!! Theres one thing with weightloss and healthy eating, you either do it 100% or you end up asking, "why aren't I losing"............

    Fair enough, as I weigh 80% of it anyway, I guess it probably won't be that bad. It just does seem so extreme to weigh every ml of milk etc. But I guess you're right :/

    Edit: Lol I'm such a whiner. Of course I should weigh it!
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    I looked at your diary and you don't weigh your food.

    And I have seen at least 3 days this month where you are over maintenance by a lot..usually weekends. If your TDEE is 1700

    It's a matter of calories in being more than claories out...

    This weekend was particularly bad, I admit. This is because I was out all weekend. I had been walking over the whole weekend also I just don't log it, so it might not be as bad as it looks.

    As it goes for weighing food, I definitely weigh all my food that isn't from a restaurant. What makes you think that I don't? I weigh my cereal in the morning and log the exact amount. Then when I make my lunch it's all being weighed as it goes into my lunch box. Same with dinners. I have one those small electronic scales.

    Don't mind her... she creeped through my diary earlier this week and accused me of not weighing my food as well. Just ignore her... I'm sure you would know whether or not you weigh your food.

    If you are weighing all of your food, it should be logged in by grams, ounces, etc. not by cups, or slices, etc. That's why Stef is saying it's not all weighed accurately. It actually makes quite a big difference in your accuracy if you are entering food based on weight vs. measurements.
    Yes, but if a serving of something is 1/4cup (56g), and I weigh out 56 grams, it'll get logged as 1/4cup, which would still be accurate. Or if I have a slice of bread that is 48g, and a serving is 40g, I calculate out the difference and log it as 1.2 slices of bread. That doesn't actually make it inaccurate.

    I do that too because often the entries in the data base are listed that way..in cups or oz rather than grams. I always do the measurement in grams on my scale and compare it with the serving sizes listed on the food packaging regardless of how it is listed in the data base.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    People who have lots of muscle mass or who work out a lot get to eat a lot. I'm 5'5" and maintain a window of 130-135. My TDEE is 1800 and I work out a few times a week. I think you're just eating too much, or not working out enough.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    People who have lots of muscle mass or who work out a lot get to eat a lot. I'm 5'5" and maintain a window of 130-135. My TDEE is 1800 and I work out a few times a week. I think you're just eating too much, or not working out enough.

    I want to be in the situation! This is why I asked the question to begin with, as I'm finding it particularly frustrating seeing wonderfully successful people like yourself, being slimmer than myself but doing the same and eating sometime more than me.

    I'll take everyone's comments on board and then hopefully I can have my own success story.
  • willgrantlessons
    willgrantlessons Posts: 2 Member
    Go have your thyroid checked to make sure its working properly. I was exercising 6 days a week and eating 1566 calories and didnt lose a pound for a year, got on the synthroid, lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I looked at your diary and you don't weigh your food.

    And I have seen at least 3 days this month where you are over maintenance by a lot..usually weekends. If your TDEE is 1700

    It's a matter of calories in being more than claories out...

    This weekend was particularly bad, I admit. This is because I was out all weekend. I had been walking over the whole weekend also I just don't log it, so it might not be as bad as it looks.

    As it goes for weighing food, I definitely weigh all my food that isn't from a restaurant. What makes you think that I don't? I weigh my cereal in the morning and log the exact amount. Then when I make my lunch it's all being weighed as it goes into my lunch box. Same with dinners. I have one those small electronic scales.

    Don't mind her... she creeped through my diary earlier this week and accused me of not weighing my food as well. Just ignore her... I'm sure you would know whether or not you weigh your food.

    If you are weighing all of your food, it should be logged in by grams, ounces, etc. not by cups, or slices, etc. That's why Stef is saying it's not all weighed accurately. It actually makes quite a big difference in your accuracy if you are entering food based on weight vs. measurements.
    Yes, but if a serving of something is 1/4cup (56g), and I weigh out 56 grams, it'll get logged as 1/4cup, which would still be accurate. Or if I have a slice of bread that is 48g, and a serving is 40g, I calculate out the difference and log it as 1.2 slices of bread. That doesn't actually make it inaccurate.

    I do that too because often the entries in the data base are listed that way..in cups or oz rather than grams. I always do the measurement in grams on my scale and compare it with the serving sizes listed on the food packaging regardless of how it is listed in the data base.

    I wasn't trying to call you a liar when I first looked it appeared as you didn't weight much. As you indicated you did weight most I did say that logging accurately means choosing the right entry.

    I am right with you....close to goal and I understand how frustrating it can be this close and want to let loose a bit here and a bit there...but being so close to goal means being that much tighter...

    Entries in this database are all over the place I agree...I often tell folks use entries that don't start with homemade or generic and the ones that start with an * are all user entered...now if the nutrional data has been confirmed a lot I find it safe to use...otherwise I look for USDA entries that don't start with an asterik.

    If I can't find one...for example potatoes in grams...baked...couldn't find one...so I googled it "nutrional data for baked potato" (this one is for chicken) but it looks like this and I made my own entry...using my initals at the end so when I search for it I know it's correct.


    Sounds like a lot I agree but I want to be at goal by the first day of summer so the bit of time it takes me is worth the effort....

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    10% fat
    40% carbs
    20% veggies

    If this is what you're doing you should change it. Your profile says you're female - 10% is dangerously low.

    Oh and veg are usually carbs :)
  • paula5077
    paula5077 Posts: 57
    Don't worry what the scale says. Have you taken your measurements?? Remember muscle weights more than fat.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...

    Actually I never asked for help on "why I'm not losing weight". I asked for people's experiences with ketosis and/or seeing their diaries to make the keto macros work. You took it upon yourself to criticize my diary, which I never asked for. You do this constantly in the forums and it's rather obnoxious.

    An overwhelming amount of people on my FL commented on how inappropriate you were.

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you weigh something and the nutritional information is listed in grams and cups that you can log it in cups.
  • RaluKitty
    RaluKitty Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I need to net 1200 to lose pounds (last tested when I needed to go from 138 to 130 a few months ago). I'm also small-medium frame and a non-athletic body type (little muscle despite exercising, hourglass shape etc). I'm an avid runner but I don't measure every single gram of food - especially low cal stuff like lettuce or mustard. I'll go with "cups" and "Tbsp" there. I tried losing at about 1500/day net, running almost every day (4+ miles daily) and eating back my calories. Didn't lose a bit in 4 weeks... I switched to 1200 and eating back all my cals and I lost it in 6-7 weeks.
    Exercising does work in recomping the body - I do weight lifting twice a week now, and I fit well in clothes for which I "should" be 5 pounds lighter. But in order to lose actual fat from my tummy/legs/hips I have to stay at 1200 net. I learned to accept that is who I am... When I eat lots of veggies and protein and don't waste my calories on sweets it's actually easy.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I looked at your diary and you don't weigh your food.

    And I have seen at least 3 days this month where you are over maintenance by a lot..usually weekends. If your TDEE is 1700

    It's a matter of calories in being more than claories out...

    This weekend was particularly bad, I admit. This is because I was out all weekend. I had been walking over the whole weekend also I just don't log it, so it might not be as bad as it looks.

    As it goes for weighing food, I definitely weigh all my food that isn't from a restaurant. What makes you think that I don't? I weigh my cereal in the morning and log the exact amount. Then when I make my lunch it's all being weighed as it goes into my lunch box. Same with dinners. I have one those small electronic scales.

    Don't mind her... she creeped through my diary earlier this week and accused me of not weighing my food as well. Just ignore her... I'm sure you would know whether or not you weigh your food.

    If you are weighing all of your food, it should be logged in by grams, ounces, etc. not by cups, or slices, etc. That's why Stef is saying it's not all weighed accurately. It actually makes quite a big difference in your accuracy if you are entering food based on weight vs. measurements.
    Yes, but if a serving of something is 1/4cup (56g), and I weigh out 56 grams, it'll get logged as 1/4cup, which would still be accurate. Or if I have a slice of bread that is 48g, and a serving is 40g, I calculate out the difference and log it as 1.2 slices of bread. That doesn't actually make it inaccurate.

    I do that too because often the entries in the data base are listed that way..in cups or oz rather than grams. I always do the measurement in grams on my scale and compare it with the serving sizes listed on the food packaging regardless of how it is listed in the data base.

    I wasn't trying to call you a liar when I first looked it appeared as you didn't weight much. As you indicated you did weight most I did say that logging accurately means choosing the right entry.

    I am right with you....close to goal and I understand how frustrating it can be this close and want to let loose a bit here and a bit there...but being so close to goal means being that much tighter...

    Entries in this database are all over the place I agree...I often tell folks use entries that don't start with homemade or generic and the ones that start with an * are all user entered...now if the nutrional data has been confirmed a lot I find it safe to use...otherwise I look for USDA entries that don't start with an asterik.

    If I can't find one...for example potatoes in grams...baked...couldn't find one...so I googled it "nutrional data for baked potato" (this one is for chicken) but it looks like this and I made my own entry...using my initals at the end so when I search for it I know it's correct.


    Sounds like a lot I agree but I want to be at goal by the first day of summer so the bit of time it takes me is worth the effort....

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...

    Thanks, it does make sense.

    It is hard to not sound weird when you're just typing and not speaking. People sound harsh when they're not, and vice versa :P
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Go have your thyroid checked to make sure its working properly. I was exercising 6 days a week and eating 1566 calories and didnt lose a pound for a year, got on the synthroid, lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks!

    I had a similar experience. If you feel that you're being really accurate with the food weighing, check into other things There are quite a few issues out there -- thyroid, insulin resistance, etc. Once I got mine figured out, I lost almost double in 3 weeks what had previously taken me three months to lose -- and it was great not to feel crazy and frustrated anymore!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    If you're only on a 200 calorie deficit and you say you sometimes overeat, you're eating at maintenance as those extra calories are keeping you there.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I need to net 1200 to lose pounds (last tested when I needed to go from 138 to 130 a few months ago). I'm also small-medium frame and a non-athletic body type (little muscle despite exercising, hourglass shape etc). I'm an avid runner but I don't measure every single gram of food - especially low cal stuff like lettuce or mustard. I'll go with "cups" and "Tbsp" there. I tried losing at about 1500/day net, running almost every day (4+ miles daily) and eating back my calories. Didn't lose a bit in 4 weeks... I switched to 1200 and eating back all my cals and I lost it in 6-7 weeks.
    Exercising does work in recomping the body - I do weight lifting twice a week now, and I fit well in clothes for which I "should" be 5 pounds lighter. But in order to lose actual fat from my tummy/legs/hips I have to stay at 1200 net. I learned to accept that is who I am... When I eat lots of veggies and protein and don't waste my calories on sweets it's actually easy.

    This is interesting, and may very well be the case for me. I'll try 1200 for a while, I'm sure it'll work, it's just a case of my body getting used to it. As most of my calories are now in the evening, when I least need them, it'll probably be easier than if I'm use to eating a huge breakfast.

    Also, I'm glad that this works for you even though you're eating back your calories. That also makes it seem more manageable.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...

    Actually I never asked for help on "why I'm not losing weight". I asked for people's experiences with ketosis and/or seeing their diaries to make the keto macros work. You took it upon yourself to criticize my diary, which I never asked for. You do this constantly in the forums and it's rather obnoxious.

    An overwhelming amount of people on my FL commented on how inappropriate you were.

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you weigh something and the nutritional information is listed in grams and cups that you can log it in cups.

    So OP should ignore Stef's on point advice in a thread where checking out a diary is usually standard procedure because she "snooped" your public diary once.....?
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...

    Actually I never asked for help on "why I'm not losing weight". I asked for people's experiences with ketosis and/or seeing their diaries to make the keto macros work. You took it upon yourself to criticize my diary, which I never asked for. You do this constantly in the forums and it's rather obnoxious.

    An overwhelming amount of people on my FL commented on how inappropriate you were.

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you weigh something and the nutritional information is listed in grams and cups that you can log it in cups.

    Please, don't jack the thread with your personal issues. :/
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member

    As for me "creeping diaries" when folks ask for help why am I not losing weight I look at diaries and if I see cups, slices, pieces it appears that things aren't weighed...I note it and advise it...I also recommend using correct entries...

    If people are upset that others see something and comment on it then don't ask a random forum with random strangers for help...

    Actually I never asked for help on "why I'm not losing weight". I asked for people's experiences with ketosis and/or seeing their diaries to make the keto macros work. You took it upon yourself to criticize my diary, which I never asked for. You do this constantly in the forums and it's rather obnoxious.

    An overwhelming amount of people on my FL commented on how inappropriate you were.

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you weigh something and the nutritional information is listed in grams and cups that you can log it in cups.

    Please, don't jack the thread with your personal issues. :/

    my bad :blushing:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    If I can't find one...for example potatoes in grams...baked...couldn't find one...so I googled it "nutrional data for baked potato" (this one is for chicken) but it looks like this and I made my own entry...using my initals at the end so when I search for it I know it's correct.
    When I can't find a USDA entry, I create one using the actual USDA listing. Best website ever:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If I can't find one...for example potatoes in grams...baked...couldn't find one...so I googled it "nutrional data for baked potato" (this one is for chicken) but it looks like this and I made my own entry...using my initals at the end so when I search for it I know it's correct.
    When I can't find a USDA entry, I create one using the actual USDA listing. Best website ever:

    agreed...I am tempted to take my commonly eaten foods and just doing it for all of them....might take some time but at least then I know they are correct.