Serious bloating... help please!

Hi, I am type 2 diabetic. My A1C is a 5.7%. I just had a baby in Dec 2013. Well recently I have noticed an increase in my bloating. My stomach is so big I literally look 7 months pregnant again (it doesn't match my body). After I had my baby my mid section had slimmed down more than I have ever seen it. I have stopped drinking soda for a week now. I'm so lost on what to do.


  • hannaawh
    hannaawh Posts: 51
    Sounds like you should contact a doctor.. especially with medical conditions like diabetes and you just having had a baby.. it might be a normal reaction from the body, but really, I would see a doctor and check to be safe.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    I have a similar issue as the day goes on and I become fatigued, I can pop that tummy out and look super pregnant but I'm flat first thing. I discovered after mentioning this and some other things like a funny belly button and feeling like there's a hole there to my doctor to no avail, then switching doctors, that I have a hernia. And a little muscle separation. So combine the two as the day goes on and I'm getting tired and out comes the rock hard pregnant belly if i'm not paying attention to hold my posture. So, does your belly button look different and feel squishy now after having a baby? Do you feel separation when you test for abdominal muscle separation (google how to do this). Could be as simple as that. Cutting out most dairy has helped reduce it getting pushed out from the inside via bloating, too.

    One other idea if you feel it's uniform fat and not firm (you can grab it) and there's more on your upper abdomen than ever before: I have a friend who developed PCOS after she had kids. Blew her up in the midsection and she had never carried her weight there before.

    Hope you figure it out!
  • andremegan11
    thanks for your input, and how do you get that weight loss banner?