SOS i need help!!!!!

I was doing so well for a few week, then i had one bad day and it has just spiraled out of control!!! This is what i do all the time and why i never lose the weight!!!
But i got up today and did some exercise and had a healthy breakfast hopefully that was the last time..........


    TVRYAN Posts: 1 Member
    Don't let one bad day get you down. We all have those days where we might go over our calories or be too sick to work out. We just gotta keep on pushing, Life goes on.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    I had two mottoes at the beginning of my new lifestyle:

    Baby steps!

    Don't allow the GOOD to be overshadowed by the PERFECT.

    Think of this new lifestyle as a learning experience for a new skill or craft.
    Mistakes will be made, but improvement comes with practice.

    Best wishes!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Don't let one bad day get you down. We all have those days where we might go over our calories or be too sick to work out. We just gotta keep on pushing, Life goes on.

    Exactly. I don't think there's any 'magic' formula to stay on track. IMHO, the main thing is, to 'get back on the horse, and ride....' immediately after you fall off. DO NOT let one day turn into two, or three or four. For me, personally, it's all in the timing. Right now, getting and being healthy is a 'lifestyle....' and one day, ( or even two ) won't change that. But, given three, or four, or just plain too many days, 'not living the lifestyle....' and I could wind up right back where I was.

    A couple of bad days are not going to do as much 'damage' as you think.
  • meganshep1403
    Thank you all so much, its great to have the support!!!
  • Pboman1
    Pboman1 Posts: 4
    We are only human. Just keep pressing on! You are doing great.:smile:
  • mowbry
    mowbry Posts: 60 Member
    I always fall off around the ladies time of the month but I think I have found a way to fool my brain. I have a few pieces of Lindt intense orange dark chocolate. It seems to stop my cravings and my mind goes right back to normal mode again. I watched a programme in England and basically we would not sit down and eat a bowl of fresh double cream and similarly we would not sit and eat a bowl of sugar, because our brains have a stop switch. However, if you mix them together to make say ice cream, then we will just gorge ourselves. This now makes me stop and think before I eat too much of it.

    We all have set backs, you are not alone and we are counting on you to get back up and keep on motivating each other!
  • merrybeth30
    I am just starting out this week. I am a 46 year old mom. People at work would assume I am always happy, but it always eats at me that my weight and general health keep me from doing the things I wish I could do. I also have an 11 year old son, who is truly handsome, (I know..biased ;) ..Though he is active overall, he is a food lover like the rest of my family and has gotten chubby. He's going to middle school next year, and I know how cruel kids can be. I;m going to approach him with the idea that he could help me by working on some of these healthier behaviors...hopefully we'll have some fun along the way. My friend talked me into joining a private challenge group on facebook. I'm freaking out, because they've all started very structured programs. Here I sit waiting for the sneakers I ordered, (first pair in about 10 years) to arrive, along with an exercise dvd. I have done well this week with my eating...(not perfect..but under my daily calorie count). I'm nervous about letting the group I joined down, because I feel like my pace is much slower than theirs.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Yesterday.....St. Patty's Day. I knew I was going OVER calories. Unless I stayed home there was no way to prevent it. I logged it all though. Beer, shots, food..all of it. I also went and worked out yesterday.

    Today...a little to much booze so no work out, but I jumped right back into eating well. I live life and some days are going to be days like yesterday. The key is to remember that is 1 day and only 1 day. The other 6 in this week are going to be right on track.

    My diary is open ...feel free to look at it.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    so this is the ups and downs of learning. We are overweight because we have ingrained habits and cravings....some we know about and some we don't. Each time you "fall" we take the time to learn why. We have an opportunity to peal away another unproductive thought pattern or emotional baggage.

    Take the time to learn....don't expect you can change years of damaging thought and emotion patterns... You can change them, usually one at a time with practice. It took me ten years to get to my goal weight. Then I gained 20 pounds back. Am working on that final 20 now. It has TOTALLY been worth all the years it took me to finally get the health, exercise and emotional habits in place.

    Don't give up. It will take long as you do the work of changing each habit, one at a time!

    Add me as a friend if you'd like more support!!!
  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    You are not alone. I was doing great and than came Thanksgiving and Christmas and here I am stuck in a rut. I tell myself it's not worth putting the 35 lbs back on so I keep telling myself get off your butt and move!!
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    One of my favorite sayings "starting over sucks, so just keep going" If you have a bad day, log it, keep going the next morning. Think of it this way, if you have lost 20 pounds one terrible day isn't going to put it all back on. But a month of bad days will. :)