Better to weigh in once a day or once a week?



  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I used to weigh once a week but then I would have a hard time with it when I went up a pound or two, even if it was from water retention or good ol' TOM. I weigh myself daily when I get up. I do understand fluctuations from day to day, and am aware of how my body reacts to certain things like too much sodium so it is expected. I find by doing that, I know what I need to give my body that day. Sometimes I can have a high sodium day and my body doesn't feel it the next day, but when it does I know I gotta load up on the water. Its a good way to learn your body, but I can understand it making some go crazy.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I weigh once a day and the daily fluctutions do not phase me I have got used to them and prefer to figure out how my body works.

    I agree that this method is not for the feint hearted!!! :bigsmile:
  • collettemrk
    Even better is twice a month.

    I agree.I weigh -in every other tuesday. Every other because I feel a week isn't enough time to reflect the changes I'm hoping for.Less disappointment.Tuesday because if i'm going to have an off day it's usually on the weekend so monday would be less forgiving!!
  • sweetgl
    sweetgl Posts: 108 Member
    I read an article on this. Statistically, those who weighed themselves EVERY DAY lost more and were more likely to reach their goal weight. However, to see real results (and not get discouraged) it is recommended to weigh only once a week. So, if you are easily discouraged.... perhaps once a week would be better.

    Intresting :)
  • MonstersLuvSushi
    I read an article on this. Statistically, those who weighed themselves EVERY DAY lost more and were more likely to reach their goal weight. However, to see real results (and not get discouraged) it is recommended to weigh only once a week. So, if you are easily discouraged.... perhaps once a week would be better.

    Interesting. I would think this is true as well because as you lose weight and are aware of it, you can accurately adjust your food intake & exercise with your new BMR. I've been losing almost (.8) lbs daily, and like, it makes a difference in my BMR. Tiny difference , but there is a difference.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Even better is twice a month.

    I agree.I weigh -in every other tuesday. Every other because I feel a week isn't enough time to reflect the changes I'm hoping for.Less disappointment.Tuesday because if i'm going to have an off day it's usually on the weekend so monday would be less forgiving!!

    But see, here's where my theory comes in...if you only weigh in every other week, what if that weigh day is a flukey day, when you have had high sodium intake (or have muscle soreness from exercise, which also increases water retention)? Then you are depressed because you haven't lost in two weeks. Or conversely, if you have a big loss, which we all do from time to time. You think you are doing great, let things slide a bit, and at the next weigh in two weeks later, you are up a pound or two.

    I definitely agree with the "get to know your body" and "understand the fluctuations " school of thought.

    I guess maybe it might depend on how much you have to lose. If you have a LOT to lose, then you would expect to see a loss every two weeks. But if you are looking for a more moderate loss, where slower is definitely better, you might not see that big of a loss in two weeks, and TRENDS are more important.

    I use a sheet of graph paper (I made my own on the computer). I have it taped to the back of my bathroom door. I plot my weight every morning. About a month and a half fits across the page (landscape). My goal has been to keep using the same sheet of paper, and when I get to the end (at the right), I start over, at the left. I am at a lower weight, so the lines don't ever overlap. That's my goal. So, on August 1st, I was at about 160. By 9/20 I was at 156. I started back at the left on 9/21 at 156, and made it to about 151 by 11/10. I started back on the left on 11/11...I'll admit, I have been hovering around 150 (Thanksgiving, a wedding, a bridal shower, working overtime so less exercise, etc). BUT, I'll be happy if when I move to the left of the sheet, at the end of December, I am below the 151 mark and my lines won't overlap. Know what I mean?

    It may seem like a strange way to track it, but I don't want to lose a bunch of weight to turn around and gain it right back, so this is what works for me....:happy:
  • sweetgl
    sweetgl Posts: 108 Member
    i like this idea :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Even better is twice a month.

    Or once a month...I like to measure for inches and my weight after 4 weeks of exercising and eating good.

    When I weight myself more often, I get too stressed about it. I mean, if I am working out and can see a difference, and my clothes fit better, then I don't even care about the scale. If I step on the evil thing more often, it becomes an obsession.
  • sweetgl
    sweetgl Posts: 108 Member
    I just read an article in Readers Digest and it says to weigh yourself twice a week. Mondays and Fridays. They did a study and found that people that weighed themselves twice a week or at least once a week esp on a friday lost more weight. They said by weighing yourself on friday it gives you a postivie motivation (if you lost weight) to eat right before you have to tackle the weekend ( when most people seem to do most there over eating or eating out)
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I seen alot of ppl here say they weighed once a day when they first started only.

    I have been on this website for about 6-7 months and I weigh every day (minus a few when I was out of town and didn't take the scale)... I realize how my body changes and some days it's 2lbs higher than the previous! I am prepared for that however and it actually makes me feel better to weigh in so often, it gives me a chance of accomplishment and knowing.

    Just me though /shrug. It's a personal opinion and option.

    But weighing daily also keeps me from late night snacking and drinking pop which is where I was most vulnerable before if I stayed up late and hadn't eaten in 5-6 hours. I usually stop eating or drinking around 7 pm no matter when I go to bed or at the most 3-4 hours before bed, so it doesn't affect my weigh in.. not sure how that would go if I didn't weigh every day.. I might cheat and go over calories.... it's tempting some nights!

    Either way, thought I'd put my 2 cents in.
  • katikati
    yup I agree with that , daily differences can drive you mad.