Any bloggers out there?

Hi Everyone! My name is Debbie, I am 24, from Chicago. I am newly (re)committed to getting healthy, and I am blogging about my thoughts, struggles, and successes. I usually share more on my Wordpress blog than I do here on MFP, and I would love it if you would check it out! I have a lot of fun doing it, and hopefully you will enjoy my stories. Please follow me at

If any of you are bloggers, either here on MFP or on another site - I would love to follow you too! I really enjoy hearing other people's stories and sharing the love :-)

Thanks everyone!


  • aquadoxi28
    I am a blogger! I just recently started my health/weight loss blog so please check it out! :)

    In the left sidebar of my blog there is button links to connect to things like my YouTube channel, Instagram, and more! :)
  • aquadoxi28
    I like your writing style from what I have read already, Debbie so I made sure to subscribe! ;)