TSH 3.1 Cannot lose weight

i have been on armour 1 grain for about 6 months it brought my thyroid level to 3.1 and my t3 and t4 are normal but i cannot lose weight i have been eating perfectly with tdee-20% doing cardio 1 hour 5 times a week and weight training eating clean lower carbs higher fats and cannot lose i made an ppt with an endo but i have been reading that most people cant lose unless their TSH is 1-2 range any thoughts


  • skraparas
    skraparas Posts: 16
    I don't know what the answer is, but I'm right here with you looking for the same info! My endos/docs have been no help and it's like talking to a brick wall trying to explain that calories in and calories out are absolutely not making sense.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    When it comes to foods you eat that's what really matters. You have to educate yourself on what foods do what for the body. I have been in the fitness world for awhile. I would start with taking Iodine supplement for your thyroid. Also take a multi vitamin. Look up what the Iodine does for you. A lot of people don't know. Also I started reading this book called it start with food! Such an easy read and I'm learning a lot that doctors don't tell you. Check it out I hope that helps.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    yes, tell your doctor you want a dose increase b/c you're still having symptoms. If they won't treat you, find another one. A TSH between 1 and 2 DOES feel better.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Be sure you are accurately measuring your foods (scale, measuring cups/spoons). Assuming you do.....I aim (along with my doctor) for a 1-2 TSH. I don't know if it helps me lose weight but that's what I feel best at.
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    I am the same way. my thyroid was up around 6.0 and I was struggling! It didn't matter what I took in for calories, I couldn't drop the weight. I am finally down to 1.69 and 1000 calories and the weight is finally coming off. There are new guidelines now and they like it to be under 3.0 so you are still a bit high. you may need your meds tweaked and sometimes the generic brand doesn't do well.
  • skraparas
    skraparas Posts: 16
    Please be very careful with self-administering iodine, particularly if you have Hashimoto's and not just regular hypothyroidism (btw, the largest percentage of hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto's). I suffered dire consequences a couple of years ago by overdosing on iodine - in the form of seaweed, sea veggies, sushi, etc. - when I couldn't get a doctor to address my hypo (my numbers were borderline). I thought I could stoke my metabolism by dramatically increasing my daily iodine intake, as many recommended to me, but I ended up going very hyper and suffering some pretty bad health consequences as a result (including heart issues).
  • KCW37
    KCW37 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank all for the input . i have been in the nutriton industry for years i eat extremely clean and weigh out all foods i am eating a healthy amount of calories so i know this is not it i wear a HRM when i do cardio i am burning at least 500 a session. I just feel so hopeless right now im working my *kitten* off and nothings working i have an appt in a few weeks with an endo im hoping to get some answers im only 25 years old so its scary to me that this is happening. The meds have brought it down from my highest which was TSH 6.5 but stil ii just dont feel right
    i have reached the iodine but thats something i dont want to start seems a bit risky easpecially if i am taking meds already
    i just read alot on these board about people only having sucess losing at a TSH of 2 and under i know you cant belive all that you read but i just wanted to see some others ideas / thoughts