30-45 minutes Pilates and 30-60 cardio a day- too much?

As part of my no longer be weak and flabby initiative, I have a system where I do 30-45 minutes of Pilates every morning before work. I'm also prepping for grad school and studying a very tricky course.

Because of my quirky brain, I study best when I'm in motion, and seem to do best on a treadmill at about 4-4.5 mph. As a result, I'm doing 30-60 minutes of cardio every afternoon just from my treadmill study sessions.

I retain the information much better than I would sitting still, but I definitely feel the fatigue after the workout. Am I doing too much, or is this a decent way to double time my exercise and studying?


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What does your body say about the stresses you're putting on it?
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I don't have real advice to offer, but I was struck by your post because I did my best studying for the Bar exam while on the elliptical when I was in law school and I never heard anyone else have that same experience. So, if you're feeling really fatigued maybe cut back on the pilates while you're studying for your course...

    good luck!
  • SchrodingersPlatypus
    Today, it mostly said "ouch" and distracted the heck out of me. I personally blame the butt blaster pilates.

    And the elliptical is fun, but I find it to be too bouncy to keep my eye on the words. Treadmills and stationary bikes are nice for studying.