no weight loss in 9 days

I was consistently losing a pound or a little more a week for last 6 weeks but now I haven't lost a single pound in 9 days and im on 1500 cals a day with running off around 300 of those a day, should I lower my calories or just keep going and wait? I know theres a chance im building muscle because of the running but I don't wana blame that as feel like that is cheating


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    You aren't building muscle at a deficit

    If you drop your calories much more you run the risk of going under your BMR which is dangerous for your body. That's if you aren't already under it.

    Netting 1200 is usually too little for most people, it would be recommended to up it (unless you are like <5' and 50+ years old)
  • So any suggestion on how to start losing weight again?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    So any suggestion on how to start losing weight again?

    Be patient. Despite the whole "3500 calories = 1 pound", weight loss isn't linear. You might lose 3 pounds one week, nothing for two weeks, lose one the next week, etc.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear, so you'll have some weeks when you just don't lose pounds. If what you're doing has been working well up until now, give it some more time. Are you taking measurements? You'll have some weeks where you lose inches but not pounds, some weeks where you lose pounds but not inches, etc.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    9 days? STOP THE PRESS!
  • 9 days? STOP THE PRESS!

    lol sorry im not the most patient person in the world.

    I didn't take any measurements, wishing I had now as I think my tummy is lookin a bit flatter
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    If you keep maintaining rather than losing over several weeks, you might be eating more than you thought, but for just 9 days, it's probably water retention, or hormones, or one of those weird non-linear blips.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I took a peek back through your diary and there are a few entries that strike me as being a little odd (toast with peanut butter with 0g protein, 4 tbsp of vegetable bean chili with 56g of protein). You may want to tighten up on your logging and double-check your entries just to be sure that you're not unintentionally eating more than you think or getting inaccurate macro totals.
  • yeh Im more calorie watching to be honest so I didn't even look at the protein, fat, sodium etc side of it, im just using entries that other people have made if the calories match up. I know im not eating more calories than I think because I check the packaging but I suppose I could be eating more carbs or fat than I thought, to be honest I don't really understand how much fat you should have so I ignore that aspect n just use common sense
  • ok now its 21 days with no loss or gain lol help!!
    im being really careful wirh my entries now so theyre pretty accurate, don't understand it
  • just to add iv gone from zero exercise to working out 5 days a week, is there a chance im gaining muscle and this would explain it?
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Same for me. Lost 6kg in 12 weeks and nothing in the last four weeks. I have not gained weight either, so I am not worried.

    I know I had some higher calorie days, particularly in the last week, but then I burned more on those days, at least according to my fitbit activity tracker.

    I am very close to my goal weight and it is getting trickier. I will probably return to the 5:2 diet for a couple of weeks and some calorie cycling (some days with more calories and others with less) to get things moving again.

    Best of luck!
  • From what I've heard and researched online, an average natural woman is able to gain about between 0.12-0.25 pounds of muscle per week. Plus you are on deficit, so, I don't think it's the muscle weight.
  • Are you doing straight weight tracking or are you taking a composition once a week?
  • vanessajv
    vanessajv Posts: 1 Member
    stay fouce i lost 170 pounds just by using the gym RETRO
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I'm 5'7" tall, 45years old, exercising about 500 calorie burns on average, and I eat 1800-2000 cals per day and my losses have been 2lbs per week for the last 2 months (ignore my ticker I have not updated it).

    At your age and activity level, I am guessing that you are eating too little. What is your height? Can you eat another small meal (300-400 cals) for the next week and see if you do better?
    I think macros are important....more cardio type exercises make me want more carbs (I keep my carbs at or below 200 nearly always). Strength training makes me want more protein (100 or more grams).

    What are your energy levels like? Do you feel tired/sleepy? Or alert/energetic?
  • Are you doing straight weight tracking or are you taking a composition once a week?

    sorry im not sure what you mean, I weigh myself every couple days in the morning
  • I'm 5'7" tall, 45years old, exercising about 500 calorie burns on average, and I eat 1800-2000 cals per day and my losses have been 2lbs per week for the last 2 months (ignore my ticker I have not updated it).

    At your age and activity level, I am guessing that you are eating too little. What is your height? Can you eat another small meal (300-400 cals) for the next week and see if you do better?
    I think macros are important....more cardio type exercises make me want more carbs (I keep my carbs at or below 200 nearly always). Strength training makes me want more protein (100 or more grams).

    What are your energy levels like? Do you feel tired/sleepy? Or alert/energetic?

    I only do 200-300 cal workouts 5 days a week and its 4 days jogging and 1 day high intensity aerial yoga.
    my energy levels are great, never felt so healthy in my life and MFP says im eating enough and hunger hasn't been a problem at all. im just shy if 5'3"

    my other weight fell off easy with exact same eating pattern so im confused.
    might it be because im not far off my goal weight that fat is being stubborn, for the record im 125lbs, hoping to get to 115
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I experienced the same thing last month. I almost went a month without a loss. It was suggested I try a day or two of more calories. I did, increased my calories by 500 for two days and then went back to 1200 calories. It did help and I started losing again. Something about resetting
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    just to add iv gone from zero exercise to working out 5 days a week, is there a chance im gaining muscle and this would explain it?

    Not a chance.

    Your exercise is asking your body to make other improvements - store more glycogen for the cardio you do. That stores with water - that can mask fat loss on the scale.

    But - do you see inches going down?
    That would be the sign that is occurring.

    Besides - your BMR, basic metabolism, literally does change through the month - your numbers are really meaningless until you hit 28 days.

    When you have more to lose, you can do more incorrect and inaccurate and still see positive results.
    That's not the case when you have less to lose - smaller margin for error to still see results.

    You should also probably back off trying to lose so fast at this point, you have probably hit the point it's going to be a fight with your body for faster weight loss. A fight you'll lose, and not fat loss either.

    Change your weight loss goal to back off. It means you'll be eating more. Which means a smaller deficit, which is exactly what is needed when you have less to lose.

    Would you rather purposely take a smaller rate of loss by smart choices, or have your body force it on you by dumb choices.

    To lose weight you eat less than when at heavy weight, and move more.

    But if the loss stops, you don't eat even less and move even more, that'll backfire as you may be about to experience.