xbox 360 kinect vs wii to stay active?

I live in ohio and the weather here is bipolar plus I have a 2yr old so the weather has to be nice for me to go out side and go for walks and things. I don't have money for a monthly gym membership besides as a stay at home mom that doesn't drive and lives 35 minutes from my family it wouldn't be very easy for me too go to a gym anyways. My fiancé works 12 hours a day and he's tired when he comes home so gym is all around out for me. He's got a 360 I thought about getting a kinect for it or getting a wii and trying to play the just dance games or the fitness games they have out. I was wondering if any of you guys have used them and what you think. If you have used both and have a opinion which is better that would be great. It would be more cost friendly I think to get the kinect but I want to get something that works good. Thanks :)


  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Does bumping work here? lol
  • kksoucie
    kksoucie Posts: 18 Member
    I will be watching this as I was wondering the same thing. We have a 360 too and I have been thinking of getting the Kinect for it. There are plenty of Wiis available around here too so I was trying to decide myself. I hope someone out there has some thoughts on this. Good luck! I have been just walking and using my broken exercise bike so far. The bike pedals but has no resistance. Just the motion has been good so far but as I get used to it I will need something else.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I can't comment on the 360 Kinect, but I have a Wii with a few games (no balance board though....just remote & nunchuck).....this works for many games...not all. I have the Wii....not the Wii came with a Just Dance game.

    Anyway, I like my Wii games ... and use exercise DVDs also. Redbox rents the JustDance games so you can test drive them....also check video rental shops.

    It's all going to come down to what you enjoy doing, and what you will do regularly. My most regular exercise is from DVDs. If you like walking....Walk At Home DVDs are fun.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I played the just dance games on my sister in laws wii with her. It was fun. Its just deciding what system to go with lol
  • I recommend the Kinect for sure. You don't have to worry about holding a remote and because there is a camera on it you can see your outline and it definitely helps you keep the right form when you're exercising. I just have a Wii now and it works, but I miss the Kinect. (He got the Xbox, I got the Wii) The other upside to the Kinect is that you are saving money in the long run by not having to buy a ton of batteries for the Wii remotes and balance board. I would also like to note that I've had my Wii and balance board for about 5 years and the balance board is starting to have issues. I can't imagine the Kinect would give you too much trouble down the road since it is essentially just a camera.
  • deliacm
    deliacm Posts: 66 Member
    360 is awesome! I think it's easier to focus on your workout with the Kinect because you aren't worried about holding anything or standing on something. I have a few workout games, but I find just the regular sports games like boxing or soccer to be great at getting my heart beating and breaking a sweat. I have so much fun with the Kinect.
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    I had a wii, and I used the games wii active and wii fit and they were great. Good workouts within a 30min time frame that could be squeezed in anywhere in my day. The wii active in particular was good because it incorporated squats, lunges, jump squats and resistance bands for curls, presses, etc., for strength training. Plus they were fun. I could do them in my fairly small den easily. The wii fit was also good, but it was more for conditioning and balance than strength. And you could do it for only a few minutes if you wanted.

    I've since "graduated" to a cross-fit style workout at the local gym, so my daughter has inherited the console and games while she's away in college. I think they're great.