no weight loss in 9 days



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I'm 5'7" tall, 45years old, exercising about 500 calorie burns on average, and I eat 1800-2000 cals per day and my losses have been 2lbs per week for the last 2 months (ignore my ticker I have not updated it).

    At your age and activity level, I am guessing that you are eating too little. What is your height? Can you eat another small meal (300-400 cals) for the next week and see if you do better?
    I think macros are important....more cardio type exercises make me want more carbs (I keep my carbs at or below 200 nearly always). Strength training makes me want more protein (100 or more grams).

    What are your energy levels like? Do you feel tired/sleepy? Or alert/energetic?

    I only do 200-300 cal workouts 5 days a week and its 4 days jogging and 1 day high intensity aerial yoga.
    my energy levels are great, never felt so healthy in my life and MFP says im eating enough and hunger hasn't been a problem at all. im just shy if 5'3"

    my other weight fell off easy with exact same eating pattern so im confused.
    might it be because im not far off my goal weight that fat is being stubborn, for the record im 125lbs, hoping to get to 115
    If you are expecting Aunt Flo in the next week, then there is a natural tendency to retain water, as well as have slower digestion. That may contribute?

    Also, it sounds like you are on a good track...keep up the good work!
  • just to add iv gone from zero exercise to working out 5 days a week, is there a chance im gaining muscle and this would explain it?

    Not a chance.

    Your exercise is asking your body to make other improvements - store more glycogen for the cardio you do. That stores with water - that can mask fat loss on the scale.

    But - do you see inches going down?
    That would be the sign that is occurring.

    Besides - your BMR, basic metabolism, literally does change through the month - your numbers are really meaningless until you hit 28 days.

    When you have more to lose, you can do more incorrect and inaccurate and still see positive results.
    That's not the case when you have less to lose - smaller margin for error to still see results.

    You should also probably back off trying to lose so fast at this point, you have probably hit the point it's going to be a fight with your body for faster weight loss. A fight you'll lose, and not fat loss either.

    Change your weight loss goal to back off. It means you'll be eating more. Which means a smaller deficit, which is exactly what is needed when you have less to lose.

    Would you rather purposely take a smaller rate of loss by smart choices, or have your body force it on you by dumb choices.

    To lose weight you eat less than when at heavy weight, and move more.

    But if the loss stops, you don't eat even less and move even more, that'll backfire as you may be about to experience.

    thanks that was really helpful,
    im not sure about seeing it in my body to be honest, wish id done measurements now,
  • I'm 5'7" tall, 45years old, exercising about 500 calorie burns on average, and I eat 1800-2000 cals per day and my losses have been 2lbs per week for the last 2 months (ignore my ticker I have not updated it).

    At your age and activity level, I am guessing that you are eating too little. What is your height? Can you eat another small meal (300-400 cals) for the next week and see if you do better?
    I think macros are important....more cardio type exercises make me want more carbs (I keep my carbs at or below 200 nearly always). Strength training makes me want more protein (100 or more grams).

    What are your energy levels like? Do you feel tired/sleepy? Or alert/energetic?

    I only do 200-300 cal workouts 5 days a week and its 4 days jogging and 1 day high intensity aerial yoga.
    my energy levels are great, never felt so healthy in my life and MFP says im eating enough and hunger hasn't been a problem at all. im just shy if 5'3"

    my other weight fell off easy with exact same eating pattern so im confused.
    might it be because im not far off my goal weight that fat is being stubborn, for the record im 125lbs, hoping to get to 115
    If you are expecting Aunt Flo in the next week, then there is a natural tendency to retain water, as well as have slower digestion. That may contribute?

    Also, it sounds like you are on a good track...keep up the good work!

    well I have the implant so Aunt Flo's visits can be a little erratic lol, inface after not seeing her for a few months she decided to stay twice this month for a week at a time...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I was consistently losing a pound or a little more a week for last 6 weeks but now I haven't lost a single pound in 9 days and im on 1500 cals a day with running off around 300 of those a day, should I lower my calories or just keep going and wait? I know theres a chance im building muscle because of the running but I don't wana blame that as feel like that is cheating
    Do not lower your intake. Look at your logging habits.

    Do you weigh and log all food you eat? Where do you get your exercise calories from-gym machine, phone app, MFP, or heart rate monitor. It has been my experience that the heart rate monitor is most accurate an that the gym machines/MFP/hone apps all overestimate calories burned by anywhere from 100-250 calories. A combination of these things can kill a deficit pretty quickly.

    You don't gain muscle on a deficit, and running is not a real muscle builder anyway though you do get toned. Running is for endurance, weight lifting is for strength.
  • I was consistently losing a pound or a little more a week for last 6 weeks but now I haven't lost a single pound in 9 days and im on 1500 cals a day with running off around 300 of those a day, should I lower my calories or just keep going and wait? I know theres a chance im building muscle because of the running but I don't wana blame that as feel like that is cheating
    Do not lower your intake. Look at your logging habits.

    Do you weigh and log all food you eat? Where do you get your exercise calories from-gym machine, phone app, MFP, or heart rate monitor. It has been my experience that the heart rate monitor is most accurate an that the gym machines/MFP/hone apps all overestimate calories burned by anywhere from 100-250 calories. A combination of these things can kill a deficit pretty quickly.

    You don't gain muscle on a deficit, and running is not a real muscle builder anyway though you do get toned. Running is for endurance, weight lifting is for strength.

    I just use MFP for exercise calorie tracking but even if that's out it shouldn't be a problem considering that even with exercise I rarely eat over 1600 cals right?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I was consistently losing a pound or a little more a week for last 6 weeks but now I haven't lost a single pound in 9 days and im on 1500 cals a day with running off around 300 of those a day, should I lower my calories or just keep going and wait? I know theres a chance im building muscle because of the running but I don't wana blame that as feel like that is cheating
    Do not lower your intake. Look at your logging habits.

    Do you weigh and log all food you eat? Where do you get your exercise calories from-gym machine, phone app, MFP, or heart rate monitor. It has been my experience that the heart rate monitor is most accurate an that the gym machines/MFP/hone apps all overestimate calories burned by anywhere from 100-250 calories. A combination of these things can kill a deficit pretty quickly.

    You don't gain muscle on a deficit, and running is not a real muscle builder anyway though you do get toned. Running is for endurance, weight lifting is for strength.

    I just use MFP for exercise calorie tracking but even if that's out it shouldn't be a problem considering that even with exercise I rarely eat over 1600 cals right?

    There was another important question in that post you missed.

    So your calories out could be inflated. What about calories in?
  • I was consistently losing a pound or a little more a week for last 6 weeks but now I haven't lost a single pound in 9 days and im on 1500 cals a day with running off around 300 of those a day, should I lower my calories or just keep going and wait? I know theres a chance im building muscle because of the running but I don't wana blame that as feel like that is cheating
    Do not lower your intake. Look at your logging habits.

    Do you weigh and log all food you eat? Where do you get your exercise calories from-gym machine, phone app, MFP, or heart rate monitor. It has been my experience that the heart rate monitor is most accurate an that the gym machines/MFP/hone apps all overestimate calories burned by anywhere from 100-250 calories. A combination of these things can kill a deficit pretty quickly.

    You don't gain muscle on a deficit, and running is not a real muscle builder anyway though you do get toned. Running is for endurance, weight lifting is for strength.

    I just use MFP for exercise calorie tracking but even if that's out it shouldn't be a problem considering that even with exercise I rarely eat over 1600 cals right?

    There was another important question in that post you missed.

    So your calories out could be inflated. What about calories in?

    I don't weigh my food but I go by what the packaging tells me, its obviously not 100% accurate when I guess my portion sizes but theyre informed guesses, for example if a bag says serving size 40g and then four servings per container its very easy to work out how much iv had. if im not entirely sure I tend to put a little more than I think iv had
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I don't weigh my food but I go by what the packaging tells me, its obviously not 100% accurate when I guess my portion sizes but theyre informed guesses, for example if a bag says serving size 40g and then four servings per container its very easy to work out how much iv had. if im not entirely sure I tend to put a little more than I think iv had

    So besides the fact there is usually more food in a package than stated on the front so they don't get nabbed for shorting the customer, actually do the math for the serving size and the stated package size.

    Go surprise yourself on some recent stuff. Go ahead, I'll wait.

    I've had 2 things today that went the opposite direction of normal.
    "about 2 servings" ended up being 1.72 and 1.74 servings actually. And that's if the package really contained that weight, which I did weigh in this case.

    That's how much variance they are allowed.
    Usually I see 2.25 to 2.45 actually servings per package for "about 2 servings". And if 200 cal's per serving, you don't know how much you are eating over at that point.

    So, you can either get more accurate on your logging of what you eat so you actually know how many calories it was, or wait 28 days and see how much you really lost.

    Then you can adjust your calorie goal from there.
    So while you may have logged a sloppy 1600 calories, in reality you ate say 1850 calories.

    So after a month you find you lost no weight, and your average logged daily was 1600.

    You find 250 calories to remove from what you eat. And continue to log inaccurate.

    So while the goal may say now 1350 calories eaten, your inaccuracy means you are literally eating 1600 calories. And that should cause a deficit. As bad as it looks.

    But only attempt that if you are positive you are coming in from the high side of the estimate.
    If not, you will be forcing your body to adapt to eating too little. You may lose for a bit, and then bam, nothing again.
    Lower again, you may get a tad more loss, you may not. Lower again. Now how low are you willing to go - knowing that maintenance at that super low level is going to suck.

    don't let this happen by chasing an adapted metabolism in to the ground.