I need support!

Hi, I weigh 93.1 kg, I had lost 5kg 3 months ago and put them all back on now....so darn angry! only have myself to blame, I know, but I feel very isolated in doing this so if anybody has any friendly words of encouragement....SEND THEM! I am feeling particularly low today...:frown:


  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    Bless you, Good Luck
  • CalFun5
    CalFun5 Posts: 13
    Hang in, don't give up. Today is a new day my MFP friend, you can do this, winning is never giving up!
  • jsykes717
    jsykes717 Posts: 6 Member
    I hear ya ... I don't know if you use phone app of myfitnesspal but would be happy to help ...encourage one another

    Just so ya know .... on dec 12. 2013 ... I was 222 pounds

    As of this past sunday ...march 16th ... i was 169 pounds

    That's 53 pounds ... so if you want ... my encourage each other thru app
  • sfarouq
    sfarouq Posts: 10
    Getting to goal weight is a lifestyle change not just a temporary one. So don't beat yourself up if it takes longer than anticipated. Just say to yourself "I may walk slowly, but I will never walk backwards."
  • jsykes717
    jsykes717 Posts: 6 Member
    My user name is jsykes717

    If anyone else wants to help out
  • What is your plan?
  • migdaria
    migdaria Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Moniola!
    Well, for starters, I'm going to tell you you don't have to blame yourself for nothing. You need to remind yourself that weight is not a competition, so you don't really have nothing to win or fail at. Every step you take forward is progress, and a few step backs are bound to happen, we're all human after all :)

    As for advice, I always suggest that people don't just crash diet. I think it's best for us to make a comittment to our bodies and just really watch what you eat, you know? I personally enjoy natural food, with little to no man-made products, and I found that it really does make a huge difference in my body. But that is one thing that works for me, maybe all you have to do is find something that you can make a comitment with.. and do it for life!

    Just don't be too hard (or hate) on yourself, remember you're a work in progress!
    Take good care :flowerforyou:
  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    This happens to the best of us ... think about what made you fall back, think about emotions that brought you there, think about how to get great emotions without food intake.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have a ton of friends that can help you on your journey as well.
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    We all go though this, don't worry we are only human, the best thing is to pick yourself up and get back on the.
  • nim_ra
    nim_ra Posts: 38
    hey buddy just read your message.... you know what i am a beginner to this journey ... started it energetically but then felt low about it .... but thanks to MFP community a member here guided me to include protein in my diet do that i feel myself better and filled .... purpose of telling you all this is low times , back up times do come to all of us but to be strong means to come back more quickly ... its time for you to come back instead of being low... and if you have good time eating enjoy that instead of regretting ... and after enjoying that moment ... belt again yourself for this journey (which i actually now consider as journey of self discovery)....:drinker: