Back on MFP and looking for friends!

I have been away from MFP for about a year. I've come to realize it was the best tool for me. The best feature is having other people going through the same thing for support, guidance, ideas, and just friendship. Definitely looking for new friends to get to know and if anyone local happens to be in the mix that would be great! I'm a 28 (almost 29) year old female with a rather large goal in front of me. Although the number is not as important to me as my all over health is. Looking forward to hearing from new friends!


  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I'd be happy to support you on this journey. I'm 28 with a rather sizable goal, as well. Feel free to add me. :o) Welcome back and good luck!
  • hlytle39
    hlytle39 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been gone for about a year myself and looking to get remotivated!

    welcome back!
  • ChronoRogue
    I too, am working hard to lose some weight I have gained from my job...sitting at a desk all day doesn't help. I also have a sizable amount of weight to lose (50 pds-ish) to be exact and wanting to burn it before the Summer we come Water World! ;)
  • hlytle39
    hlytle39 Posts: 11 Member
    I've put on a bunch of weight this past year and would like to lose as much as I can before May. Without an affordable gym close by and hating exercise videos, it makes it a little more challenging to fit in exercising though.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi hun,

    I started 6 weeks ago and I have a gigantic goal ahead of me, and I'm doing it with an autoimmune disease. We can kick this, Add me if you want a buddy :)
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    I'm re-joining after a break too! Friend requests sent :-)
  • melflan30
    melflan30 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also new to MFP, would love new friends as well : )
  • KendraT1992
    KendraT1992 Posts: 32 Member
    Adding friends from the MFP community has kept me motivated. Request sent!