
I am joining up to MFP after being with a paid site for a while, and not really utilizing it enough to make it worth the money, plus this site seems much more comprehensive!
I have lost 14lbs so far, and have 58 to go, so a while yet but feeling good and very positive!
I am following a paleo-ish eating style, with no dairy, grains, alcohol or refined sugar.
If anyone wants to buddy up, has a similar amount to lose or just wants to say hi, that would be lovely!



  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, congrats on losing 14lb that is grate feel free to add me to swap note as not heard about the paleo-ish style eating before
  • moma4boys
    moma4boys Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I am trying to lose 45 lbs total. I lost 12.5 on Nutrisystem then found out I had to go gluten free and could no longer do that program. I came to MFP and I really like it! I have lost 5 more pounds on MFP and have 27 more to go. Feel free to add me if you like!. :)