Help needed!!!!

This is my first blog, I really hope someone will read it...
I have been using MFP on and off for a while now, adding foods and trying to stick to my daily calorie limit. I always fall off the wagon, I never seem to be able to stick to a diet, and it's getting to the point now where I am desperate!

I recently quit my job as a Senior Care Assistant, as I'm sure you can imagine, working in a care home keeps you on your toes. So with healthy eating and a lot of running around I managed to lose 7lbs in my first week. This was probably about a year ago, I have since put it back on and more, I can feel how fat I am getting at probably over 16st now, last time I weighed myself I was
16st and that was a couple of months ago.

Motivation is the key for me, no matter how much I want to lose the weight, I just can't seem to stick to it! I feel disgusting but I soon forget that when I'm for filling the craving to eat chocolate biscuits and cakes.

I am now blogging to see if any successful MFP users can help me, even if you haven't reached your goal, I need advice from someone who is managing to do it. I don't know what else I can do, I have tried everything including a hypnotic gastric band. I am not getting much exercise either.

Someone please help me. I can't take much more of being this size!!


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hello, not that you have taken the first steps, you now need a support network of friends that will give you support and motivation along the way and to keep you on the straight and narrow, I am getting on with MFP as feel free to add me, what I am doing is setting a overall target and then setting mini goals along the way to get going as this helps with the psychological side of things
  • suey2k1
    suey2k1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hiya. Firstly don't think of yourself as 'being on a diet'. This implies that you are being deprived of things which will immediately make you want them. For example, if i fancy chocolate I have 50g of 85% cocoa chocolate broken into little pieces with 12 almonds and a pear as a snack. 177 cals, protein, fibre and carbs from the fruit and you get the chocolate 'hit' that you crave. If you ever feel 'disgusting' which you are most certainly not, try and think of someone you admire or who you think is successful who is near your size. An actress, singer, even a really attractive model from a plus size catalogue or something. This will show you that being a certain size does not make you 'disgusting'. It's just an idea that someone or something ( most likely the media) has put in your head. We all have our demons. The thing you need to question is are the things you think about yourself true? Most likely not. You worked in a care home? I used to work as a Home Support for the elderly helping them with things like cleaning, shopping, gardening etc to help them stay independent. It's a very stressful career but it shows that you are a kind, considerate and caring person. Time to be kind, considerate and caring to yourself. :happy:
  • KendraT1992
    KendraT1992 Posts: 32 Member
    I found that this time around adding people from the MFP community has really kept me motivated. I will add you as a friend and hopefully if you add enough of us you will stick with it. Sure is easy to fall off the wagon, but nice when you have people who will help you back on :)
  • Thank you so much to those of you have replied so far, you have said some kind and helpful things. It would be a good idea for me to have friends on MFP as I don't actually have any friends on the outside world. Sounds dramatic but I literally don't, drifted away from school friends so I have no one to help me stay motivated. Setting mini goals sounds good, I'll have to think of some...
  • Chance535
    Chance535 Posts: 64 Member
    What has helped me stick to doing exercise everyday was to pick activities I really enjoy.
    I started with walking, swimming and jogging and now I'm enjoying spin class and weight training.
    Feel free to add me if you are still looking for support.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    In order to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit.

    In order to know if you're in a calorie deficit, you have to weigh/measure/log your food. ( use a food scale)

    Exercise is important to health, but not necessary to lose weight. (find something you like and do it consistently)

    Meal timing is irrelevant to losing weight. Eat at the times that work for you.

    Eat foods you like, make healthy choices along the way, learn portion control/moderation

    Most importantly, motivation is fleeting. What really works in the long haul is building your habits around getting healthy. First work on staying within a reasonable calorie deficit (see link below). When you are doing that successfully - work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, then carbs). Once you can do these 2 things, look at other things like fiber, etc.

    Build habits. They will carry you through. Make yourself do it for a while. Pretty soon, you'll start seeing results (and more importantly feeling results) and you'll be on your way. Good luck.
  • ivery28
    ivery28 Posts: 15 Member
    I understand what you are going through because I have been through it too! Its one of those things where just because you eat a biscuit doesnt mean you lost! This is a game and if you think of it that way you will win! Have you ever played Mario or any other video game? You have to start at the beginning you may lose a life and then game over but all that happens is you get three more lives and you start back at the beginning of the level. The point is you just keep on going! Stop thinking about yourself on a DIET and eating DIET food! Eat the things you like but in small moderation. Start by cutting one small thing out or not even cutting it out but not eating or drinking it as often. Like soda. I now only drink water, no soda or ice tea or even coffee. I dont exercise a lot but I have seen a change just by doing that small thing. Dont get me wrong I do occasionally drink those things but on special occasions like birthdays or parties, or when im just really craving (coffee!). I also snack ALL DAY LONG. Little things like carrots and freeze dried fruit or i'll eat a greek yogart or oat meal. I dont know these are just things I do and I find it works! Eat all day long dont deprive yourself of the things you like just make healthier decisions. When you go to McD dont get fries and a burger get a grilled chicken sandwich and a small soda. I really hope this helps you. :wink:
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    This is a game and if you think of it that way you will win! Have you ever played Mario or any other video game? You have to start at the beginning you may lose a life and then game over but all that happens is you get three more lives and you start back at the beginning of the level. The point is you just keep on going!

    I like this!! :-)
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    MFP friends are good for motivation but also to help you get ideas about how to eat at a calorie deficit so that you don't feel you're hungry or deprived (you may feel peckish early on as you adapt) - look at friends' diaries for menu ideas - seeing what works for other people is so helpful - you will see that people losing do eat normal food ;)

    One of the keys for me is to eat proper food and cut most of the cr-p out - planning in a treat is a great idea eg I plan in a small amount of chocolate and a glass of wine (or 2) most days. Planning my food for the day in advance helps me too. I log before I eat so that I can see the damage before I have actually eaten it.
    Also look at all the different things people do for exercise (not essential but excellent for lifting the spirit - and earning more calories!). You will see that exercising can be really enjoyable - need not take huge amounts of time and need not depend on expensive membership fees etc. Walking and/or jogging are free.

    You are certainly not disgusting - you do sound a bit depressed. If being more active and eating more healthily does not help you feel better you may need to address that with some help.

    Good luck - you can do this.
  • hi im new to this to! I feel very positive with this calorie counter as I have a very hectic life with four children 16, 12, 2 and one! so it takes alot of the thinking out of it for me. I was disgusted with my weight when I got on the scales and have found by shaming myself and telling people what I weigh has helped me! good luck and add me if you need any support
  • I will help you! I do not Diet. I however have found some healthy foods very tasty.And I monitor my intake of food.
    One other thing I use is my FITBIT to monitor my calories burned, And I try for 1000 calories a day deficit. Using this site and my Fitbit site I have managed to loose 40 pounds. It will not happen overnight but if you can deficit 1000 calories a day it can translate to 2 pounds a week. My 40 pounds weight loss took me 160 days because I would fall off of the wagon now and then. Another thing I did was joined a walking club. I walk every day trying to do 10000 steps or more a day. So keep Blogging and I wish all the success :)
  • eric741
    eric741 Posts: 1
    Hey Jodi. I have been using MFP since about Christmas with great success. This tool has been the most successful aid to weight loss and fitness that I have ever used. I don't feel like I am dieting. I eat what I want but pay better attention to serving sizes and nutrients. The keys I think are:

    I have a friend (my wife) also using it regularly so we support and encourage each other.

    I increased my exercise from twice a week for 30 minutes to 4+ times for 30 - 40 minutes

    I log everything I eat - skipping or ignoring a sweet etc is only cheating myself. If I cheat myself I feel guilty. If I feel guilty I am inclined to eat another sweet. You see the cycle. Log it all and be honest with yourself.

    We fast once or twice a week. This is mainly because we believe it helps the brain but it also helps the weight loss. Our method is not too severe - we will fast from dinner to dinner. So we'll eat a regular dinner then skip all food (except coffee/tea/water) until dinner the next day. This way we get 24 hours of fasting and it really has helped us recover from a night out with friends etc.

    Our targets are fairly modest but not trivial. I wanted to lose about 30 pounds in 5 months and am right on track.Some days I am behind and some days I'm ahead. I generally look at whether I am trending in the right direction for the week and make adjustments as necessary (like consuming less than my target net calories).

    Keep focused on your future - what do you want to look like and WHY. I find having a goal that is more than just a number - that is about life, health, something more meaningful - is important for me.

    Good Luck.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    If you are not happy with yourself, the only one who can change that is you... Folks on MFP can give you ideas, advice and encouragement, but you need to find the motivation yourself. Think of one thing that you really want to change about your life that you can achieve by getting healthier. I am a Type 2 diabetic, for me my initial motivation was to stop needing insulin injections. Every time I wanted to give up, I would think about that goal. I no longer need injections, so I've reached that goal. Now I've come up with some other goals.

    You did not gain weight overnight, so it will not magically disappear. Think of this as a marathon, not a sprint. However rather than focusing on how far you have to go, focus on today. I set myself two goals each morning (1) eat within my calorie goal (2) exercise at least 30 minutes. I only have to worry about being 'good' today. However I know if I string enough 'good' days together then the weight will come off.

    Weight loss is ultimately about calories in versus calories out. You must eat at a deficit to lose weight. The problem many people have is that they are either under estimating their calories in or over estimating their calories out. I'm a firm believer in
    gathering accurate data so that you can make fact based decisions. For the calories in side of the equations make sure you weigh and log everything you eat and drink. For the calories out, you might want to consider a FitBit or similar activity tracker.
    With your job, you might find you are burning a more calories than you think because you are on your feet all day.

    Once you get an accurate picture of your calories in and calories out, you can then determine what changes you should make. To lose 1lb per week you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day. To lose 2lb per week you need to burn 1000 more calories than you eat each day.

    And finally, remember that weight loss is not linear. There will be weeks when you are confident that you ate at a deficit to lose 2lbs, but yet the scale shows no loss. Other weeks you will eat at a 2lb deficit, but the scale will move more than 2lb. Weight fluctuations quite a bit due to hormones and water. What you really want to look for is a steady downward trend.

    Don't just focus on a number on the scale. You are more than a number. Take photos and measurements so you can see changes in other ways. Celebrate the non-scale victories - loser clothes, a smaller size, doing something you could not do before, etc. This should be about becoming healthier which is much more than a number on the scale.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    Hey girl! Don't lose hope, your in the right place - I've been on MFP since Jan and I feel very successful! I was addicted to starbucks gingerbread lattes over Christmas! Once I started on this site and saw that I was spending 360 calories on ONE drink - I was able to go from having them several times a week to once a week and then got off completely and switched to Tim Hortons Coffee.

    -Log, Log, Log ! It may be hard to face the calories your consuming at the start but you need to know what your filling your body with and WHY you are dealing with weight issues - eventually you will LOVE logging !

    -Go through Community on here and read posts - you will find many blogs to be helpful and encouraging

    -Don't give up Everything you like! Keep your diet healthy (ie. lots of veggies to help fill you along side your protein)
    For me, I needed SOMETHING Sweet every day to take the place of starbucks, so I switched to med coffee, 1 milk, 1 sugar with a hazelnut shot from tim hortons - that equalled only 55 calories instead of 360 from starbucks !

    -Exercise Improves your MOOD! Even if you start with something simple, such as a 20 min/ half hour walk every day or every evening... you will find that it makes you feel good and you'll want to exercise longer and try new exercises!

    I will love to help you on your journey if you so wish to add me :)
    Keep your chin up !
    If you WANT to lose the weight you WILL !
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    lot's of good points here

    I will point out a couple of things that may help you realize your goals,
    You need to assess your caloric needs. Initially you should be able to lose at a good rate (say 2 pounds a week)
    to do it (or confirm the numbers MFP has given you) try

    You can calculate
    - your TDEE (how many calories you need to stay the same weight right now - this changes so revisit it say monthly)
    -Your BMR - Base Metabolic Rate - what you need to just sleep 24 hours

    to lose 1 pound per week - reduce tdee by 500 calories
    to lose 2 pounds per week - reduce by 1000 calorie

    Though I now exercise daily I still use the Sedentary settings on calculators. I then eat back at least 50% of the calories I burn through exercise. I do it this way because i have a sedentary job so on an off day i'm focused on the correct number to still lose

    Have a look at others diaries for inspiration, and if you want constructive criticism set your diary to open so people could give feedback

    Now for the hard part - to really do this right you need to log everything that passes your lips, and to do that you need to weigh it not use a measuring cup or guess based on packaging (packaging uses an average and the items actually vary quite a bit)
    If you are off in the calculation by 100 calories a day that's 36500 calories a year - 11 pounds
    the same is true for measuring caloric burn, you can estimate based on calculators but a Fitbit or Heart Rate monitor will be more accurate (and they can still be off - which is why you don't eat back all the exercise calories)

    You've made the first step congratulations, if you want you can add me and I will encourage you
  • junkey17
    junkey17 Posts: 7
    Its great that everyone has sooo much motivation to give!

    My question is what is the amount of calories you set MFP for?

    Second, you have to think about this as a life style change not a diet.

    This is what i do (wrong or right it works for me):

    I have my calories set at 1800, take a walk for 30min 2-3 times a week (dont log the walk so no eating the burned calories), have one cheat meal a week without tracking the damage and eat 3 meals plus 3 snacks!

    you can add me
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Look, it's not that I want to be callous, but this is just like being in a 12 step program. You can share about this issue until you are blue in the face but if there is no true desire or action behind the sharing, you will be discussing this "problem" forever and never reach a solution.

    AND, the only solution, the only answer lies in watching what you eat and exercising. There is no magic bullet that will give you extra will-power. There are no magic words that will get you to be motivated. One has to eat a healthy breakfast, early, and one has to do exercise. It's uncomfortable and it's hard at first but one has to keep on doing it until one gets that energy surge that inevitably comes. It takes weeks, not days. It will take at least 6 weeks before you start to actually nootice that you are doing the exercises better and they are not as hard as they were when you started.

    Here are examples of starting small and getting bigger. I began to walk to work which is just under 2 miles (3.5 kilometers-I assume youare in a non-US country becasue you said "biscuits"), and walking briskly, not strolling. I walk back home as well. I walk everywhere I can. I have the distances timed so I know how long it takes me to get from point A to point B.

    I don't keep junk food in the house. If you live with your parents, ask them to help. Tea Time is a bad time. It's an excuse to drink sugary cups of tea and simple carbohydrates.

    Culture is also no excuse. I hear people say like "I'm Italian, we eat pasta" or "I'm Irish, we drink" or "I'm Spanish, we like rice." For that matter, I could say "I'm American, we like excess." This one really irks me; "I have a sweet tooth." Please, it's still no excuse.

    You have to get out of your comfort zone. The comfort zone could also be feeling down and uninspired. It's really easy to give up. It's really comfortable to say "I'm never going to lose weight so why bother." You are better than that. You are a human being with the capacity to run, jump, think, reason, and with all those human traits. YOu can do it, you just have to DO IT. JUST DO IT, like Nike!

    I have faith that everyone can do it. I have faith in you too. YOu look young so do it while you're young. YOu can do it when you are older as well, but it will take more work.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    In order to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit.

    In order to know if you're in a calorie deficit, you have to weigh/measure/log your food. ( use a food scale)

    Exercise is important to health, but not necessary to lose weight. (find something you like and do it consistently)

    Meal timing is irrelevant to losing weight. Eat at the times that work for you.

    Eat foods you like, make healthy choices along the way, learn portion control/moderation

    Most importantly, motivation is fleeting. What really works in the long haul is building your habits around getting healthy. First work on staying within a reasonable calorie deficit (see link below). When you are doing that successfully - work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, then carbs). Once you can do these 2 things, look at other things like fiber, etc.

    Build habits. They will carry you through. Make yourself do it for a while. Pretty soon, you'll start seeing results (and more importantly feeling results) and you'll be on your way. Good luck.

    "Exercise is important to health, but not necessary to lose weight. "

    I'm sorry, but do not listen to this. Exercise IS important to lose weight and keep it off. It will take you less time and it will take care of the musculature and how your skin sits on your body. It will give you more energy. Please, don't poo poo exercise, because that's why the world is in the round shape it's in.
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    I used to be a platinum card holder member of the "falling off the wagon" club until I realised this thought in itself is the wrong way to look at things. When starting on a new diet plan, it's so tempting to think "right from this day onwards I will eat X calories per day and exercise Y times per week and therefore lose Z lbs per month" and, while this can be very motivational to begin with, what most of us fail to take into account is that changes in diet and exercise can often take time to fit into our busy lives. Therefore when we inevitably give into our cravings or avoid the gym because we're too tired, we often see it as failure. What you need to do is give yourself a break. If you find yourself "falling off the wagon", don't beat yourself up about it and don't give up! Take the time to figure out what happened and what tweaks you need to make, so gradually you build up a diet and exercise plan that works for you.

    As an example - I started a new job in a new country 6 months ago and for the first 4 months I lost no weight, but made a lot of progress in terms of figuring out how to make a diet and exercise plan fit my life. In that time I learned what macros worked for me (I wasn't eating enough protein), how to get my food (there is no chance of me making my lunch to take to work with me so I've found where I can buy the right food during the work day) and what exercise worked for me (I had no motivation to run, so unsurprisingly failed every morning to get up and go for a jog as planned, but I have now become addicted to weight training and actually look forward to going to the gym after work to de-stress). I also figured out with the help of MFP what was sabotaging my attempts, and a large part of that was lack of sleep, leading to tiredness at work, leading to two grande caramel lattes a day at over 300 calories each,,, Once I made sure I got to bed at a decent hour - hey presto. I'm now really seeing weight loss results and I'm still learning and tweaking.

    Also being active is a great excuse to make new friends. I have a regular Saturday morning hike with a group of girls I met through a girl who moved here the same time as I did. It's really a 2-hour girly gossip but takes place as you all walk up a hill. I burn over 1000 calories each time I do it and these girls have now become good friends.

    So in summary - don't be down on yourself if you don't get it right. Learn, adjust, and keep going until you have your perfect exercise and diet regime. Seek help if you need to from fitness professionals. And go out and try something active, because there are some great friends out there waiting to meet you. Good luck!!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Make it a lifestyle change...that is what finally worked for me. I would go on a different diet every month and eat baked chicken & fish and salads for weeks on end and then eat a pint of hagen dazs ice cream and tell myself that I had failed and was such a loser and that would be the start of an eating crap food binge. This time - if I make a bad choice I pick myself up and continue to eat healthy or make better choices. As many people have said - LOG LOG LOG, you will be amazed at what you are actually eating (too little or too much!) and find your calorie goal and stick with it. Add exercise, even if it's walking around the block. I joined a gym and would go and walk on the treadmill 15 minutes a day and slowly increased my time and pace. Good luck to you! This a great site to get helpful advice and friends to help motivate you! :)